Ukraine rejects US bid for 50% of rare earth minerals, FT says

Ukraine has rejected a bid by the US to own 50% of the country’s rare earth minerals, as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy seeks to negotiate a better deal, the Financial Times reported.
US Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent presented the proposal to Zelenskiy in a draft contract, which was brought to their meeting on Wednesday, NBC reported earlier, citing eight US officials it didn’t identify. Zelenskiy didn’t sign the document and said he needed to study and consult others on it, according to the US outlet.
Zelenskiy wants US and European security guarantees to be tied directly to any deal on the mineral reserves, the FT said, citing three unidentified people familiar with the negotiations. A senior Ukrainian official told the newspaper Kyiv was seeking a “better deal.”
The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington and a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council didn’t respond to NBC’s requests for comment Friday.
The Trump administration has signaled that it expects Kyiv to grant access to its natural resources including critical minerals, as well as pledge to purchase US energy exports, in return for its military and economic support against Russia, which invaded in 2022.
Like many critical minerals, rare earths are relatively abundant globally, but they don’t often exist in concentrations that allow for them to be extracted and refined economically. Outside of China, the largest reserves are found in Brazil, India, Australia, Russia, Vietnam, and the US itself, according to data from the US Geological Survey.
USGS data shows that Ukraine has no major known rare-earth reserves, although the country’s own geological agency has stated that they have been found in a handful of mineral deposits, primarily in areas in the east of the country that are partially under Russian control. It has also identified reserves of several other critical minerals including titanium, lithium, and graphite.
(By Nurin Sofia)
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Kim Bishop
I know the deal was supported in your previous column but simple extortion is the term I would use here.
It was naive to think that there is such a thing as a free ride.
Tina Marie Dmytryshyn
There is such a thing as a free rude when a country freely offers those weapons to contain Putin and save Ukraine democracy. But Trump does not honour any contract or deal the US has made because he is a liar and a cheat. This is blackmail on the part of the US which was a to be expected I guess when you have a convicted criminal in the White Housem
Brett Osbourne
Unfortunately for zelensky and biden thier money laundering days are over
Philip Walsh
I love the MAGA claim, non evidenced bull is apparently the political way ahead. Laughable and sad in equal measure
Grant Johnson
Brett Osborne. Your accusations of Biden and Zelensky money laundering are based on what exactly? How do you know this comrade?
Denise Carpenter
When the source of your information comes from a trump rally or Bannon war room I would have fact checked before I continue to spread trumps manufactured lies
Brett, unfkrtunatly you have drank from the orange juice that the corrupt Trump has mixed. It is mind boggling how seamingly intelligent people have fallen into the Trump cult. Watching Fox propaganda is not your only option.
Plutarch Heavensbee
What was the contract or deal exactly? Ukraine gets free weapons and US bends over and takes it in the ass for free like with every other country that screws them?
The same country that screams freedom, but only truly cares about freedom when they get something in return? Freedom my a*s, greed that is.
The US has never been screwed. It is, and always was, ruled by its own Corporates who have their own senators in their pockets. This way, the US transitioned from oildom and control of Saudi Arabia together with industries inflicted on most of Latin American countries (like banana plantations), and other similar ‘endeavours’ around the world like control of uranium in Afganistan (while the servicemen there had their own opium cartel), to the export of arms…and what better way to export arms than creating the need for them? So, the US (Corporates and Senators) are currently still in control of almost all valuable assets in the world by a well organised racketeering scheme of subjugating and destroying countries with resources who oppose their greed. All ‘allies’ (Germany, France, England, Italy, the Nordics…) are in on the looting.
Hugo Boutin
You should remember that the US gave Ukraine security guarantees against Russia when it asked for Ukraine to give up it’s nuclear arsenal. This is just the US not keeping its word and abandoning it’s allies. Trump is a Russian puppet wake up!
The deal was the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. The allies essentially agreed to use the US dollar as the reserve currency to move away from gold and as long as the US would support the Allied nations.
Most of you Yankee doodles don’t realise how fucked your economy will be if Europe stops using the US dollar as a reserve currency. Let me spell it out.
With the money printing and debt the country has, there would be mass inflation, the dollar would be in the toilet and the US gov wouldn’t be able to pay its debts.
Glen Conklin
What you folks refuse to realize is that the USA is very quickly going to be alone in the world with no friends. Canada where I live is not going to put up with this crap from your Criminal President. We do not need to sell you aluminum, steel, electricity, oil, and more importantly our water. What we do need is dependable friends something your country currently is not. So America first yourselves into oblivion.
Julian aHudson
The U.S. isn’t the victim here. This war was caused by the U.S., not by Russia. The U.S. is obsessed with being the ruler of thrnworld and it has several foreign relation policy doctrines that drive it into constant warfare. It’s automatic that the U.S. will be on a constant war footing.
The U.S. has the Wolfowitz Doctrine which states that it must prevent the emergence of any near peer or peer competitor. In other words the U.S. must guard its hegemon status.
This is a case of the U.S. trying to reach an illegal agreement that allows it to save face. The U.S. can’t acknowledge it has been defeated by Russia and it’s own avarice.
The U.S. is trying to save face. It can’t accept the fact it’s lost to Russia.
So its trying to bully Ukraine into an illegal act of theft. The U.S. attributes no value to the list lives of over 1 million Ukrainian men. In a war the U.S. knew Ukraine couldn’t win.
Sam Steele
Couldn’t have said it better. Trump already said he is going to lesser the aid. To stop Putan,let him show his colors. He has before ordered assassinations
You are do right. The Trump regime touts ending the war only in order to gain access to Ukraine’s rare earth minerals as well as having access in Ukraine for a US base. How ridiculous is that. Russia didn’t want NATO so would they accet US military there?
Steve Kramer
Ms. Dmytryshyn,
Are you in Ukraine?
It’s not a free ride Ukraine had a large stockpile of nuclear weapons, the United States, UK and Russia entered an agreement with them to give up those nukes and these countries would guarantee Ukraine’s borders would be protected. Obviously Russia broke their part of the deal and now Ukraine is forced to defend itself. The US is on the hook as well as the UK to send money and weapons to help Ukraine defend itself.
Vicki Czubey
Don’t accept any of that deal. The Ameicans need to realize bullying world leaders isn’t a good way to keep peace. They can get their own minerals. According to Trump his country doesn’t need anything from any country but here he goes trying to rip countries off to get what he wants.
Plutarch Heavensbee
Youre ignorant. If it was extortion Zelenski wouldn’t be able to say no. The US is on the verge of financial collapse. Either youre not American or youre an American that has been freeloading on the system.
Sam Steele
You do realize America Is not a country right?
Philip Walsh
The US isn’t on the verge of collapse or it wouldn’t have so many billionaires. The US is on the verge of dissappearing up its own self righteous arse, if it can take its cowardice with it, that is!
Maybe look up extortion – it involves ‘coercion’, Coercion involves compelling a party to act in an involuntary manner through the use of threats, including threats to use force against that party. It involves a set of forceful actions which violate the free will of an individual in order to induce a desired response. It’s no free ride when you’re told, “give me what I want or I’ll leave you to the wolves (Putin/Russia) to die”.
Now here is a person that makes some sense. We have a bunch of freeloaders in our country and it isn’t illegal migrants – they are our own citizens, getting fat off the scraps from trumps table of oligarchs.
Vicki Czubey
Id say it’s illegals and the politicians and Less motivated citizens that don’t want to work for a living
Barb Wimmer
Extortion is right
Brian Wight
Yes the American tax payers should pay the bill for there military to stay in Ukraine and keep it safe from Russia. Do you realize how many billion s it would cost to set US based around Russia borders and have 20k soldiers posted there with advance weapons. But hey American tax payers should do it for free right. Lol if you can’t afford the cost than you got to offer something
hasnah grundy
gobsmacked…just NO
David T MacKinnon
Send all missiles as soon as possible to cover
Russian front lines & towns, send them none
stop,, blow up there rail lines airports A.S.A.P.
Do the unexpected, Putin must not win, if there is a deal to be made, return Crimea , block the border, send air force in 3 different waves from three different directions & bombard. All at the same time
Thar is a great idea, if only our elected officials had the cohones to put forth such military actions.
Canada have much more Rare Earth but USA don’t want talk about hehe
Canada has the most minerals so they are looking elsewhere now.
Tina Marie Dmytryshyn
There are only two other places so far which have the rare minerals that the US needs. Canada and China and the US is at war with both countries so they are screwed. I guess Elon didn’t think of that when he decided to join the clown show that is the US government.
William Olsovsky
The circus left town on Jan 20
Sam Steele
No,he figured he can make it the next state
Mike Bue
Trump is trying to strong-arm, mafia-style, Canada, Greenland and Ukraine into gifting natural resources in exchange for protection from tariffs and Russia/Chinese aggression. It won’t end with the 3 countries, the same mafia tactic can be extended to other countries including the EU, Britain, Australia, Taiwan and the Philippines. No payment in advance then no relief on tariffs and military protection. USA has sunk to new depths in their own swamp. Dumpster Don’s policies are currently supported by >50% of voters but this will change as US citizens experience high inflation and unemployment from illegal reductions in the US budget in order to reward rich citizens with more tax cuts.
Don’t forget the Gulf of Mexico is seemingly now the Gulf of America. He also wants to take over Gaza while dumping the Palestinians in Egypt.
Doubtless he wants to confiscate the pyramids in celebration of American greatness too, though getting Trump’s image carved into the pyramids before his term is up is going to be a bit of a challenge.
Daryl prince
Musk may also have something to do with Trumps extortion attempts.
How dare Trump place President
Zelensky in this position.
Hete we have the worst businessman in the world with President Zelensky the best President in the world.
I’m glad he rejected the deal. It’s blackmail and bullying at its worst. I hope the e.u. comes to Ukraine’s aid against drumph.
Moose Wayne
Gun too your head. Are you taking this deal? 🧐
Trevor Moodley
Beware, as Elon Musk destroys the USA from inside, and skips alone to Mars.
Victor Penney
David T Mackinnon has it right….
Ian Burnham
America doesn’t do anything for anybody unless it serves there long term interest , look at how they treated BP over the gulf oil rig disaster ,Which I have total sympathy for the loss of life & injury 65billion dollar bill even though it was Americans running the rig drilling ,even people in Alaska had a boat for fishing supposedly so they could put a claim in against BP
They got off cheap with 65 million, you probably also believe that climate change is a myth. I work in agriculture, have you noticed how lettuce is so expensive? Same reason eggs are so expensive.. new diseases brought on by a warming climate. You probably think the bird flu outbreak and the lettuce virus were created in a Chinese lab ar the behest of the biden administration to make trump look bad. Sycophants and liars comprise our current presidential administration.
William Lang
It would appear that the USA has become as big a threat to our well being as Russia and China. They are a technically advanced but socially backward wealthy country driven by greed and avarice and led by a simpleton without a moral compass, devoid of empathy and only interested in his own well being
Yep..The dumpster has reduced the U.S to its lowest standing ever. Soo incredibly sad to this happening in front of our eyes.. 4 years left.. wow, by the end of it,, U.S is going to be a pariah like China and Russia..
Agree. Extortion. A prepared contract is not a deal
John Geddes
You couldnt have said it any better
Americans that elected president Musk and puppet Donald Pinocchio are contributing to WW3.
Steve Kramer
All these non-American writers here smearing our POTUS and by extension the 76 million Americans (and their families= over 150,000,000 Americans). Will you repeat your smears next time you need USA to save Western Civilization with our blood and treasure.
Guy Coco
Give Ukraine nothing. Stop all American taxpayer funded welfare, and demand a refund of all monies sent for years to this elaborate Ponzi Scheme.
Yep, let Russia take whatever country they want. USA will be next.
As an European: yes please! Can we also get rid of all the US bases and US weapon already bought by Europe, here in Europe? And all the economic deals we made, in return of “safety”? Can we also sell all your weapons back to you, that we once bought from the US over the years? We are better off without an US that has the habit of frequently backstabing its allies.
This is extortion nothing less. I see US becoming more morally bankrupt with each announcement. Europe has to step up here and whatever the cost cut US out of the negotiations, especially as Russia is definitely weakening. Trump is a bully and showing himself to be a fool as well so Europe must get it’s act together and detach itself from the American teat isolating US from dictating European intrests
Absolutely! Trump needs to be put in his place! He is a bully that is ruining the USA. He will ruin anything he gets his grubby little hands on.
Hannelore Martha Frau Zimmermann
Does Trump know, the minerals are located in the East of Ukraine?
Ian Welsh
I would be surprised if he knows where Ukraine is
That is extortion, don’t given in the Trump! Tactics!
Watch out for conman trump.he is out to fleece everyone
RE primarily in the east where territory is challenged by Russia? The price is the RE to repel Russia? If the USA really wants access, maybe that’s Zelensky’s best and only viable option. He’s not bargaining from a position of strength, poor bugger.
…and you don’t suppose Putin is on the phone with his buddy Trump immediately afterward, talking strategy? Saying things like, “Ahh, well, we will have to do more to convince them. We’ll be sure to up the war efforts while catering to your easy requests -the few demands that you make as a plea to my conscience in an upcoming meeting or phone call – for poor Ukraine and make you seem the reasonable, trustworthy and influential strong backer the Ukraine needs and wants in the fight against Russia… And to us both go the spoils. Mostly me though…”
Richard Dingley
Do not give the Trump administration a chance to rape your natural resources… sell to Europe only…Trump has already made deals with Putin on Ukraine and Netanyahu on Palestine.
Soon, the large bombing campaign will start in Palestine and our world will change greatly..
The Israeli war machine will begin before February 23rd 2025
Tony Vendrasco
Thank God that they’re standing up to Trump and his skewed vision of his importance ! The man needs to be incarcerated. He doesn’t own the world
Paul Zammit
I think there was a lot of other countries that stepped up to the plate to support Ukraine. And if they are going to agree with this then everyone should be compensated and not be bowled over by another obvious Dictator who thinks he can use bully tactics to get his way.
All of the weapons and money have ended for Ukraine today. No More. They are on the own from now on.
The world now feels like that about America…when Russia comes to take over America…you get no help from any country you have bullied, pushed and stole things from. Anything that the world would have done for you is finished. Have fun being comrades.
Raymond Jarvis
I knew Trump would try to screw Ukraine…now he will buddy up to puking to try to get Ukraine crushed
Tina Marie Dmytryshyn
Trump is trying to blackmail Ukraine. The American government provided weapons to Ukraine to save their democracy and contain Putin. There is no price tag for that and to blackmail Ukraine for something the US did for their own best interests is disgusting. Just another example of the USA not keeping their word. The USA can no longer be trusted to be an honourable partner under Trump because the man is a liar and a cheat.
Divine Tupe
US wants to get something back of what biden’s adm gave them – maybe he’s thinking it’s free – what ? That’s. money of taxpayers not Biden
Denise Carpenter
You need to read a history book, start with WW1 and WW2 and then understand how countries work collaboratively for world peace. Then maybe join the conversation.
Robert Lamb
The arrogance of Trump astounds me. Flipping bully.
Andrea R
This is sociopathic behavior from the “Bully” south of the border. NATO should have allowed Ukraine into their alliance instead of treating Putiin’s threats of Nuclear annihilation with any credibility. This is not the first time Ukraine has been attacked by Russia. It is a valuable asset to Europe & has been referred to as “the bread basket of Europe”. Now Zelenskiy has to deal with two Bullies, aka sociopaths. The UN has to get serious about their charges of “crimes against humanity” instead of just labeling it and sitting on their hands. First Ukraine, then Gaza. When is the UN going to get serious about endorsing their charges & taking action?
Graham Hall
The only way you will defeat Trump and Putin is for Europe to stop acting like a bunch of spoiled kids and try working together
It would seem America and Russia want to carve up the world together, hence the bullying tactics employed by both countries since Trump became president
Europe should now show Ukraine who their real friends are and back them all the way
I don’t US or anybody else…. It’s your People’s minerals…. First beneficiaries should be Ukrainians then excess the world
The Ukrainians would be foolish to sign any kind of deal with Convict Trump because he never honours his contracts,he always stiffs the people he is dealing with.He is a back stabbing grifter not to be trusted period.
Heather Barclay
Quide quo pro!!
Zelensky not entitled to represent Ucrania.
Not even The Rada..
Unless you are a Mafia Member.
Don’t give the US anything. Don’t be crazy!!!!
Peter pan
Looks good on that wacko nazi Trump and BF musk
John Patryluk
It’s bad enough that Russia has taken parts of Ukraine illegally, and destroyed the infrastructure, now America under that criminal Trump wants to bleed Ukraine 🇺🇦 of its valuable minerals, and not includ him in the peace talks, Trump’s idea of stopping the war is letting Russia keep land that is taken. UKRAINE should never concede, Slava Ukraini
Victor Penney
Trump loves the day to day minute to minute glamour in the Press…no matter how big or small. The EU has done more than US individually for Ukraine while Trump was warding off Stormy Daniels and lying about his serial offense charges….Melania is one who needs to reel him in
Ya ok pal…yet hell take the 100s of billions ans buy multiple yachts and carry on this sham of a war lwtting more and more people die so he can what? Horad minerals? Take more free weapons and resources to kill Russians and in turn his own people? Unbelievable yiu brainwashed clown. Trump is looking to regain his wasted U.S expenditures on a corrupt Ukraine president for yet more cash in his pocket….the guy is sham.
Paul E Burt
We have given everythg Scott free by demacrat president. Of course they won’t except.
Alan Smith
Cont 👌👍Trump
David Saluk
O K 5 Trillion.
Support?! Isn’t that called Extortion??
Steve Lester
Free ride is over. He should except it the alternative is not a good thing for him.
Kevin Sabine
Another moron that has bone spurs how would you like it if someone blew up your home wouldn’t you want help?
Carl King
Ukraine cannot and should not trust the US to live up to any agreement that they may offer. Just look at the Trade Agreement Trump signed with the US and Canada that he is now violating as a solid indication that the US does not honor its signed Agreements and cannot be trusted. If you have the minerals, develop them and sell them on the world market where you will get the best price and do not put yourself in the position to be extorted by a single customer.
Victor Penney
Well said….
Walter Jurewicz
So the US wants resources for old weapons it sent to Ukraine. How about it returns the 1900 nuclear warheads it took from Ukraine in the 1994 Budapest memorandum it signed for security guarantees.
Tyrant-trump is ALWAYS threatening and blackmailing everyone. He wants to literally steal much needed critical minerals and rare earth minerals galore from Canada and Greenland by taking over these 2 countries. He also wants to get his criminal grimy orange paws on Ukraine’s critical minerals by telling president Zelenskyy that Ukraine should pay-up for the Billions-of dollars of arms and military equipment that the US has given Ukraine to fight the war (the war that his best buddy and fellow dick-tator, putain illegally started) by giving the US their critical minerals, in return. Ukraine had absolutely nothing to do with ‘putain the Terrible’s’ effing war. They don’t need to pay one single buck for this lunatics war-mongering-ways. Ukraine is the victim here – NOT THE INSTIGATOR NOR THE PERPETRATOR. These deaths, bombings, and destruction are the fault of the evil-doer’s putain’s very foolish war. Putain and ruSSia must pay for everything. European countries (according to the Google search below) are the ones who gave the most to help Ukraine fight putain’s unnecessary war.
Only the NATO countries should guide & help negotiate peace between Ukraine and putain. The psycho megalomaniac mafioso-don-the-con should not get his greedy sticky fingers into the peace deal because he will only burn Ukraine even more than it has already been burned down by his bestie and partner-in-crime, the demonic plague, putain.
Google search.
Which country has given the most aid to Ukraine?
–” European countries have provided the most aid in total (military, financial and humanitarian), while the United States has by far provided the most military aid. MOST OF THE US FUNDING SUPPORTS AMERICAN INDUSTRIES WHO PRODUCE WEAPONS AND MILITARY EQUIPMENT.”
–“To date, we have provided $65.9 billion in military assistance since Russia launched its PREMEDITATED, UNPROVOKED, and BRUTAL FULL-SCALE INVASION of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and approximately $69.2 billion in military assistance since Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Jan. 20, 2025.”
Laura Dettling
Are you kidding me? Zelensky is a crook. He certainly plays a good part, that’s for sure. The Ukraine needs help. It comes with a price. At least if the US did get 50% of the minerals, they would have a solid vested interest in keeping Russia and others in their place. I mean the Ukraine is pretty much in ruins now. The people are going to need help. Business is business and Zelensky has every right to broker the best deal for his country. We all know that it’s best not to take the first offer, and to shop around!
Yet he easily, happily and very freely take the 100s of billions ‘given’ to him by the flop Biden scam administration. All corrupt till its pay back time huh.
Matthew Peake
Who’s to say that it wasn’t already agreed between putin and trump that put in would invade if Biden came into power. Then Biden came into power and now trump is back , him and putin are gonna split the rare earth minerals between them selves. This war was a clever collaboration between America and Russia to get zelenskys minerals … I’m not saying it’s true , but it could be ???
William Ransome
Bring Ukraine into NATO Russia gives all the land they illegally annexed back to Ukraine including Crimea and Russia pays for rebuilding Ukraine. If Russia doesn’t comply Nato steps up their offensive with the greatest Areial assault in world history with or without the US.
Carole Zimmer
Why would Ukraine even consider speaking with Dump. Let alone do transactions with it. Didn’t Ukraine hear dump dumping on his country?
John Schumacker
The USA needs to pull its head in. They are not the world’s saviour the exact opposite. Ukraine tell them where to stick it,!
Ramokgadi Johannes Selala
Now Ukraine is trapped in an unwinnable war,the Americans have the negotiating ACE up their sleeve against Zelensky.Ukraine is now forsale to the highest and most powerful bidder: The Americans.
Why would US want Ukraines critical minerals. Does not make sense. MEI.AX has some of the highest grade most superficial critical minerals deposits ever discovered in Brazil. A simple intent to partner or buy out the whole company would be logistically easier.
Derek Craven
Unfortunately we have to wait 4 years for the Americans to come to their senses and get rid of this clown and his cronies!
John J
Trump and his supporters keep claiming that the United States is getting screwed by the world, and yet the US is BY FAR the wealthiest nation in the world, and per capita it is in the top tier with only Nordic/Alpine/and Middle Eastern Oil rich nations beating them out. Trump supporting Americans always rail on about globalism and the US’ role as international policeman, but they don’t realize that this is exactly what secures their comfortable lifestyles. It keeps the dollar strong, it keeps cheap energy flowing into the country, and pricey exports flowing out. The US even had a chokehold on propaganda through their news media exports, and cultural exports like music and Hollywood movies. Trump has turned them against all of that to the detriment of American power, and America’s adversaries could not be more pleased. America used to be a smart guy with a big stick, now it’s just a brute with a big stick, and that’s a lot easier to beat. Trump supporters may find this out unless the Democrats find a way to defeat or render Trump and his cult impotent.
There are those in the world who rightly resent the West (I don’t mean those who object to the West’s interference against their human rights violations, I mean those who have justified grievances over the way the West may have exploited or interfered with them to secure resources for itself, or maybe those who feel they’ve been ignored or abandoned or betrayed by the West). Some of them feel a sense of justice seeing the West suffer at the hands of a big oaf like Trump, but they should keep in mind that everyone will suffer, and that the enemies of the West like Putin, are not their friends, and are as bad or even worse than they think the West is. Putin operated bloodthirsty mercenary force within Africa, and makes no pretenses the way the world like the West might. They have even lied to the citizens of friendly countries to enlist them in their illegal war against Ukraine, sometimes even with the blessing of the leaders of that country. Just look at the North Koreans – willingly sent by their beloved leader to die as cannon fodder for the Russians. Russia does this with relatively little power, so imagine what they would do with a lot more power, or as much power as the United States. Then you have China, silently and strategically buying up resources around the globe, and offering gifts and loans to small or poor nations in the global south with opaque terms. Some believe they are debt traps, or perhaps bribes for UN support. Citizens of China enjoy constant surveillance, a 99% conviction rate for government prosecutors, reportedly they also might enjoy summary execution, political persecution, and what they don’t enjoy is freedom of speech. You are not allowed to speak out against the ruling party in China, no matter how invisible you are. If they treat their own citizens that way, I wonder how those who do business with China feel they would be treated of China ever gained enough power to impose their own mandate.
All this to say, that there are various entities out there who support Trump for various reasons, but before you embrace him, or help prop him up, think very long and hard about what that would mean. For those in America who support Trump because they feel exploited. Don’t look outward towards those who are poorer and less powerful, look inward at your own country. The US is wealthy, but the wealth distribution is abysmal, and the powerful in America are masters at getting the poor to fight amongst each other for the scraps. MAGA may have had a point when they talked about the swamp and the elites. They were almost there. Their mistake was thinking that Trump, and Elon and those around them weren’t part of the swamp too. At least the old swamp creatures believed to some degree that the poors needed to be comforted with some small trinkets of happiness. The Trump affiliated Trump creatures don’t care if people suffer, in fact, it has benefited them, and they will raid the Treasury, grab power, no one, not even their supporters will prosper, and America will lose its global grip.
One of the truths is slowly coming out.
What happened to “America first”?
I thought the whole point was to be entirely self-reliant? Why do they want other countries’ resources?
The hypocrisy is astounding with Trump.
Kevin Sabine
Trump is a complete moron to try and step in to insist he will give protection from Russia for 50% of rare minerals especially after what that country has endured, has to do with bone spurs what aTWIT!
Eagle Claws
That’s Exactly the main purpose of the US. .
Donald Smith
Maybe Putin will make a better deal than Ukraine for minerals after war is over and Russia takes over. United States does not need to be involved.
Jim Andrews
I am a Trump supporters, but this is wrong. Yes Ukraine has taken billions from the USA. But at America’s offering and encouragement. They have lost their future for the advancement of American world dominance. They do not owe us anything,
Ukraine is for sell ☹️
The Ukraine and Russian War is a European problem. Let the Euros take care of it.
We’ve been providing cover for the European countries since 1945 (not counting WWII).
Our money or our blood (both) is spread all over Europe. Now we want some payback for our tax dollars.
I say walk and see how quickly the European scramble to kiss Putins ring!
The status quo is unacceptable!
The US should just stop & pull back any Billions in funding made or giaranteed to the corrupt Zelenskyy.
D Hasler
This is plain extortion at its best. The US is trillions in debt and is trying squeeze the rest of the world like an orange to get as much as it can in money and resources.
And now we see what is the cost of NATO intervention. No working men in Ukraine, and no minerals…
You people are amazing. Why do you think it’s unreasonable for the U.S. to get something in return for helping Ukraine? They would have been wiped out a long time ago without our support and weapons. The U.S. taxpayers should get something in return for our tax dollars. We are not the entire planets welfare system
Colin Payne
Yes you are right mate Ukraine wouldn’t be there anymore so trump the trumpet would have to buy his rare earth minerals from his best buddy putin ( who taught you at school?) lavros?
Common sense
US.. you mean Blackrock?
Strange how the whole world knew this already. It’s disgusting how large organisations and leaders will use people as dispensible pawns in their quest for money and power
World turns it’s back on U S made products. Cheap garbage
Heather Hay
Trump can’t be trusted. He has proved that. Wants let him pay tariffs maybe a little deal on that.
Do not give him access.
Tony Anderson
The white house “Batman and Robin” are out to extort from every country, that has anyform of minerals goods that can quantumfied a $$$ he’s a felon…You can see this as well with the situation concerning N.Y mayor Eric Davis…
Thalay Sagar
Get the facts right for once please.
Ukraine only had nukes because they were formerly USSR nukes. When the USA succeeded in the collapse of the USSR they were not going to let Russian nukes in Russian bases in Ukraine become the property of a child country. Ukraine never possessed operational control of the weapons. They were transferred back to Russia in 1994.
Beverley Savas
Good for you Ukraine, Trump is a bully and is lining his pockets on the backs of American voters.
Julian Hudson
This a gangland style takedown. The U.S. wants the exclusive rights to 50% interest in half of Ukraine’s rare earth’s which would make it an equal partner in something that isn’t in its own territory. That’s absurd. To put the U.S. on equal footing with the actual owner. No businessman would agree to this. Especially a sovereign country.
Not only does it want to have an equal interest but it also wants Ukraine to buy certain finished goods exclusively from the U.S. This the very financial trap that many 3 World countries find themselves in with the IMF and World Bank. This is the austerity plan that Yanukovych rejected in 2014 and why he decided against the E.U. but opted for Russia’s counter offer.
Ukraine would be the Philippines of Eastern Europe.
The U.S. is also trying to establish a precedent to force Russia to recognize Zelenskys legitimacy and to give validity to all the deals that Zelensky has signed as the unelected president of Ukraine.
America is playing games with Putin. This is a total repeat of U.S. occupation of Syria.
This whole thing is going to result in noting other than a continued U.S. presence in Ukrsine with U.S. boots on the ground.
Trump’s propaganda campaign that the U.S. hot nothing out of this is a lie. There was never any statement about what the U.S. was supposed to get. And besides there’s no way to guarantee a return when it comes to war. Ti’s wasn’t an investment and it wasn’t a loan.
If Trump feels cheated now then why didn’t he restructure the giving of weapons and money when he was in office.
If the ills of war can be alleviated by gaining control of the physical resources of a country then the U.S. is engaging in classical colonialism.
Mark Graham
Concerned, two sides to every story globally that all have common interests.
Earth minerals and how this will play out for people globally with profits.
It’s a global thing, yes
Titanium sands contain monazite which is know for hosting recoverable REEs. Thus Ukraine is also (potentially) rich in REEs although it does not currently process and extract REEs.
Good for you! – You will have the full support from all of europe. We cant chance or depend on the US for anything good these days… It is a faling impire and should be considered without proper leadership/government at this time.
Dont give Trump nothing NOTHING
mark taylor
Have just found a lump of coal on Trumps golf course in Scotland. Sounds a good reason for a invasion
Phil from Vyhoda
When Obama was president and Biden his VP, after the war started in 2012, they sent blankets and food. When Trump became president, they sent weapons and trainers. When Biden became president and after Russia invaded almost immediately, Biden promised weapons but never sent them. Not until they were useless and Russia fortified their positions. Money went missing and reappeared in the USA.
Trump has no side in this war, except the American side and the human side. He wants no one dying, because he knows it’s not the leaders dying. It’s the common man. He doesn’t support Putin. Trump is a businessman and understands he needs to cajole Putin until Trump gets what he wants. Peace.
The USA shouldn’t be freely giving weapons to Ukraine. Payment can be in the form of rare earth materials, many in occupied territories. If Ukraine promises this, buy Trump supposedly cedes the territory to Russia, how does it benefit USA?
Don’t fall for this trap Ukraine: you deserve better. The US backstabs its own allies. Europe, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Panama and Palastina talk from experience. Don’t make a deal with a bipolar Devil, who cheats on Its own contracts.
Trump’s betrayal is not uncommon and clearly reflects what American integrity stands for.
Mohamed alie jalloh
Correlation of the willing to fight useless wars for usa.Today mexico,Canada you are enjoying the fruit of the correlation
Suzanne Smith
That negociations should be before rather,
Now there weren’t any prior so it’s up to Zelensky to give according to his means a token of appreciation.
Darlene Norring
Ukraine, please please please do not bend the knee to the US bully. Keep your rare earth minerals close. If you have to, don’t commit to long term.