Strike averted at Centinela as union accepts offer

Centinela mine. (Image courtesy of Minera Centinela)

A workers union at Antofagasta´s Centinela copper mine in Chile agreed on a labor agreement with the Chilean miner, a union leader said on Tuesday, averting the threat of a strike.

The agreement followed the company’s offer of a 36-month contract, a 2% salary increase and contract-signing bonus of $23,500 per worker. Savings of $160B could serve as economic stimulus in 2021.

It came after the expiry of two weeks of government-assisted mediation after the Distrito Centinela union, with approximately 200 members, rejected previous offers.

An early contract offer by the company to Centinela’s larger Esperanza union was accepted last week.

Centinela produced 276,600 tonnes of copper in 2019.

(By Fabian Cambero and Dave Sherwood; Editing by Edmund Blair and Dan Grebler)


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