Metso wins Aprimin’s Annual Safety Award 2014 for the second year running

Mr. Aldo Cermenati, left, receiving the Annual Safety Award from Mr. Ricardo Garib, Vice President of Aprimin at the annual gala in Santiago, Chile.

The Chilean mining suppliers’ association Aprimin has awarded Metso with the Annual Safety Award 2014 in the Large Company category. Metso received this recognition for the second year running for its excellent performance in the prevention of occupational hazards. The award was granted on November 5, 2014, during the Association’s annual gala in Santiago, Chile, attended by the Minister of Mines and major mining companies in the country.

The award was given for attaining the result of more than a million hours worked without accidents. This award is further proof of Metso’s commitment to achieving injury-free operations. Metso stood out from the more than 90 other member companies by fostering a safety culture in its operations at both its own and its customers’ facilities.

“Within the overarching goal of preventing accidents and loss of life, occupational safety in mining is an ongoing concern among companies and demands our utmost attention and foresight. Achieving zero accidents is the outcome of an endeavor to create and sustain a work climate where safety is not a statistic but a way of life. It is therefore with great pleasure that Aprimin recognizes Metso for the second year running for its ethical responsibility and commitment to safety standards,” says Juan Carlos Olivares, Aprimin’s General Manager.

Continuous development of safety performance

At Metso, good safety performance is an essential element of all our activities. During the past year, there has been a strong focus on developing the company’s safety approach, and this award is one indication that the work is bringing results. Prioritizing the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and partners is fundamental to everyone at Metso.

“One of our goals is to protect the safety of all workers, both inside and outside of the company, at all times. This recognition shows that we are moving in the right direction as a company. The challenge is to keep the focus continuously on safety excellence. We must constantly be alert, promoting and developing further initiatives and projects to maintain and improve our safety performance indicators over time,” stresses Aldo Cermenati, SVP, Pacific Rim market area at Metso.

About Aprimin

Aprimin is the leading suppliers’ association for large-scale mining in Chile, with a total of 92 members. In addition to regular networking meetings to promote its members in the industry, the association holds working meetings with large mining companies to analyze the latest trends affecting the industry.