Metso signs EUR 500 million revolving credit facility

Metso Corporation has signed a new EUR 500 million multi-currency revolving credit facility with a syndicate of 10 relationship banks. The new facility is a refinancing of the Group’s existing EUR 500 million facility and will be used for general corporate purposes. The facility has a tenor of 5 years, with two 1-year extension options dependent on the approval of the banks concerned.

Commerzbank, Danske Bank and Nordea Bank acted as Coordinating Mandated Lead Arrangers and Bookrunners. The Mandated Lead Arrangers were BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Commerzbank, Danske Bank, HSBC Bank, Nordea Bank, Pohjola Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. Lead Arrangers were Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria and Svenska Handelsbanken.

Metso is a leading process performance provider, with customers in the mining, construction, and oil & gas industries. Our focus is on the continuous development of intelligent solutions that improve sustainability and profitability. Metso’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. Metso employs around 16,000 professionals in 50 countries. Expect results.,