Lynas to restart Malaysian plant as virus curbs ease

Rare earth production line at Lynas’ plant in Kuantan, Malaysia. (Image taken from Lynas’ presentation.)

Rare earths producer Lynas Corp said on Friday it will reopen its processing plant in Malaysia at the start of next week as the Southeast Asian nation eases restrictions imposed since March to control the spread of the coronavirus.

The announcement by the largest producer of rare earths outside China follows the decision by Malaysia to allow the majority of businesses to resume activity on Monday.

The plant has been closed since late March due to the restrictions on movement and non-essential business.

Lynas had applied for an exemption, or “critical industry” status, pointing to its products as essential to the supply chains of key industries in the country, including medical devices.

The Australia-based producer said it will provide more information about the restart of the plant on May 4.

(By Nikhil Kurian Nainan; Editing by Kim Coghill and David Evans)


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