Codelco still evaluating operations hit by rain stoppages

Credit: CGTN via YouTube

Chilean state-run miner Codelco, the largest copper producer in the world, is still evaluating the hit to operations from weather-related stoppages in the country’s central-south region, the company told Reuters Tuesday.

Some operations at its star copper mine, El Teniente, are still paused after heavy rains, the miner added. While underground operations were able to continue, production at the Sewell and Rojo areas remains halted.

The Andina mine outside of capital Santiago restarted operations Sunday afternoon, Codelco said.

Heavy rains in Chile’s central-south region last week caused rivers to flood, cut off access to main roadways and isolated several towns.

Two people have died, four people are missing and more than 13,000 have lost their homes, according to government tallies.

(By Fabian Cambero and Kylie Madry; Editing by Isabel Woodford and Brendan O’Boyle)


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