Steelmaker ArcelorMittal said on Friday that a group of dissident workers was continuing an “illegal blockade” at the facilities of its Mexican unit, a day after announcing the end of a 55-day stoppage.
“Unfortunately, a group of dissidents has chosen to continue the illegal blockade with acts of violence, putting at risk the safety of the workers,” the company said in a statement.
Reuters was not immediately able to contact representatives of the mining union.
ArcelorMittal announced on Thursday the end ofthe blockade at its facilities in the southern state of Michoacan, after workers approved a new settlement including a pay hike for employees.
Workers affiliated with the mining union had been protesting since late May against the annual profit distribution to employees, bringing all activities to a halt.
ArcelorMittal, one of the world’s largest steel and mining companies, last year generated over $68 billion in sales.
(By Raul Cortes and Stephanie Hamel; Editing by Anthony Esposito)