AngloGold reports more covid-19 cases at Mponeng

Mponeng, in South Africa’s Gauteng province, is the world’s deepest gold mine. (Image courtesy of AngloGold Ashanti)

AngloGold Ashanti on Monday said that a total of 196 people have tested positive for coronavirus at its Mponeng mine, where it suspended operations on Sunday after reporting 164 covid-19 positive workers.

The company said that mining at Mponeng, the world’s deepest operating mine, will remain suspended to enable contact tracing, deep cleaning and sanitisation.

Mponeng reopened in April after being shut under a nationwide lockdown and had been operating at around 50% capacity. It accounted for around 7.4% of the company’s total gold production in 2019.

AngloGold said it has undertaken and processed a total of 651 covid-19 tests at the mine.

(By Aniruddha Ghosh; Editing by David Goodman)


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