Revolutionizing the Mining Industry One Machine at a Time
Old habits die hard.
That’s how the saying goes. However, in this day and age, it is essential to continuously find ways to innovate and change things for the better. This need is highly evident in the mining industry, one of the oldest industries in the world.
Traditional mining practices are often inefficient and, most importantly, negatively impact the environment. This problem has led to the development of several nonprofits dedicated to improving the industry: promoting green mining practices and ways for companies to lower their overall carbon footprint. But some companies fear that change will impact their mission of finding and utilizing minerals for society. So how can companies find a way that improves efficiency and helps reduce their costs and carbon footprint?
Sensor-based ore sorting machines were designed for this purpose. These machines allow companies to limit the amount of electricity, water, dangerous chemicals, and workforce required to sort for usable minerals while increasing overall efficiency and effectiveness.
Ore sorting is a process that allows companies to use sensor-based technology to pre-concentrate or sort waste rock early in the comminution process. This will enable companies to separate commercially valuable minerals or metals from waste rock.
Playing Their Part
HPY Technology Co., Ltd. was established in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China, in 2015, with four other branches in Beijing, Xi’an, Kunming, and Shenzhen. In the seven years since its inception, HPY has sold over 300 machines to over 70 different companies, paving the way for them to become the market leader in China with a 73% total domestic market share. Priding itself in providing companies with sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient ore-sorting methods, the company has pushed itself to stay ahead of innovation through its unique product line and intelligent algorithm. Meanwhile, helping mining companies solve the problem of finding an efficient and environmentally friendly method to add to their sorting processes.
China has had a history of destructive mining practices. Until 2018, there were no official rules and regulations that protected mines, and as an aftermath, the current minerals needed for sorting come at a much lower ore grade than the rest of the world.
Since then, mining companies within China have focused on aligning their methods with the UN’s SDGs and green mining practices. This shift has brought many of these companies to HPY. The company’s high-tech machines and highly intelligent Wenshu Algorithim™ have helped companies achieve up to 99.5% accuracy when sorting for usable ore.
This combination has also lowered companies’ carbon footprints within the domestic market by up to 30% less energy consumption, 40% less water consumption, and 30% less CO2 emissions. In terms of cost-saving, in one case for ZW Tungsten Co., HPYs’ four machines were able to save the company 10 million RMB (~1,573,000.00 USD) and help alleviate 300 workers from health-affecting hand-sorting processes. Regarding ore sorting efficiency, HPY supplied ICL Group Ltd.’s subsidiary, Yunnan Phosphate, with four machines that increased usable ore by 5 million tons and increased the value creation by 200 million RMB (~31,460,000.00 USD).
“China had a problem that we wanted to help solve. But, in addition to solving this, we wanted to help companies be more sustainable while looking towards the future in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. We achieved that in one of the toughest mining markets with over 70 different companies, and we look forward to helping more companies domestically and abroad.”
-Jason Tatman, Overseas Marketing & Sales Manager, HPY Sorting Tech
Continuing to Innovate
Mining companies in China have seen much success using HPY’s Classic XRT Series. While it initially specialized in traditional XRT ore sorting machines, the company has pushed itself to produce machines that look to make a significant impact in the mining industry: adding three revolutionary machines in 2021 that improve on the already impressive results seen by HPY’s Classic Series.
One machine that HPY is very proud of is its Circle Series. As the world’s first ring-shaped sorting machine, this machine improves ore sorting accuracy through free-fall technology. The unique structure helps improve the processing capacity for any ore between -5 to +90mm at speeds of up to 300 t/h, while reducing the floor space by 1/5th to help companies further save on capital investments. This machine has also seen great results regarding coal sorting: reducing ash content, reducing costs occurred by traditional washing methods, and sorting more efficiently and accurately.
“We are extremely excited to introduce this machine to the global market. We’ve been able to try this machine domestically and have seen great results despite having worked with lower ore grades. We think these machines will continue to revolutionize the mining industry and how we use and view XRT sorting machines. With revolutionary technology that is brand-new to the market, we know that we can greatly improve the mining industry on a global scale.”
-Shuhao Zhou, Brand and Strategic Director, HPY Sorting Tech
The other machines that HPY Sorting Tech has developed include one specifically for coal sorting and large grain sizes ranging from -50 to +300mm: the Golden Coal Series . And the Insight Series is a machine that utilizes XRT technology and a VIS imaging system for higher detection rates with traditionally difficult to detect ores.
As the mining industry continues to find ways to innovate and improve practices, one thing seems evident. The need and want of a company to find ways to do this is necessary, and HPY Technology Co., Ltd. has proved and looks to continue to prove themselves in helping revolutionize the mining industry. To learn more click here.
Jean Paul Antonioli
Is it working for fluorspar treatment?
Jason Tatman
Hello, for fluorspar treatment using XRT technology, we would need to know what the veinstone minerals are to determine whether our machinery would be applicable. Currently, our company focuses on XRT technology, but there may be future developments of other technologies such as XRF.
Wayne Cusitar
I worked for Rio Tinto in 1978 to 1981 to promote their line of ore sorters. Do your sensors primarily use photo metric methods?
Jason Tatman
Hello Wayne, our machinery primarily uses XRT X-ray sensors. However, machines like our Insight Series also use VIS HD imaging to enhance accuracy with traditionally more difficult to detect ores.
Jason Tatman
The VIS HD imaging is used in addition to the XRT X-ray sensors, leading to up to 1.5x more accuracy when compared to other machines on the market.