Responding to the Needs of Customers Facing High Productivity Demands in Crushing
Collaborative work is at the core of the ME FIT Crushing program and is reflected in the collaborative relationships ME Elecmetal has with our customers. We are on the ground accompanying our customers, setting common goals and providing timely responses. Because ME Elecmetal understands the day-to-day complexities of a crushing operation, we are better able to rapidly respond to the needs and unique challenges our customers face. This enables us to provide solutions to positively impact priority KPIs: tons per hour, safety management, availability and maintainability of equipment, risk prevention, among others. We measure the value of a solution based on its impact on our customer’s entire process — in line with their priorities and operational strategies.
The objective of the ME FIT Crushing program is to improve efficiency in the first stage of ore comminution, reduce processing costs and optimize crushing equipment availability and reliability.
To do this, we design solutions to help our customers achieve their goals by combining wear parts with technology tools, advice, training and monitoring — all of which allow us to create value in our customers’ processes.
Continuous Improvement
The benefits and value of our solutions are demonstrated when we are able to quantify increases in the KPIs our customers want to improve.
ME FIT Crushing takes the entire implementation cycle into consideration in its technical proposals: manufacturing, installation, deployment and performance monitoring. We believe continuous communication with our customers is key to understanding their entire process, so we are better able to detect anomalies and propose adjustments with a focus on continuous process improvement.
Our Method:
- Detect opportunities within a process
- Diagnose the analyzed situation
- Compare findings with the customer’s needs
- Generate the best, cost-effective solution
Positive Results
Solutions delivered by the ME FIT Crushing program contribute to crusher productivity. Once the impact of a solution has been measured, we record the tangible benefits of the project in a report provided to the customer.
Digital Tools
The ME FIT Crushing program evolves with the needs of our customers and the adoption of technology. With the development of digital tools for capturing and analyzing large volumes of data, ME FIT Crushing solutions allow increasingly accurate projections to be made. Today, we are exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning applications to accurately quantify the productivity impact of each solution we provide.
Digital tools in ME Elecmetal’s products, services and processes solve challenges in the mining industry.
Contact Us Today!
For more information on ME FIT Crushing Solutions and to learn more about how ME Elecmetal can help you optimize your crushing processes, visit or call 480-730-7500.