Job Description
Position Title: Manager: Mining Operations
Broad Band: M12: Management
Talent Pipeline Layer: Managing Managers (MM)
Accountable for first line leadership and management of team members mining to enable the work of self and team members and building their expertise and skills, and deliver frontline team results such as safety, production, maintenance, quality, cost and motivation
- B.Tech/M.Tech/Bachelors/Masters/PhD of Engineering (Specific discipline) + 3 years as Section Manager
- Relevant Business Management Qualification (e.g. MBA) preferred
12 Years relevant experience in mining industry
International Experience Preferred
Mergers and acquisitions
- Acute safety awareness and attitude
- Experience in mining industry
- Change agent
- Proven management and leadership skills
- Critical thinking
- Ability to foster teamwork and effectively manage conflict
- Entrepreneurial and commercial thinking
- Business acumen
- Sensitivity to diversity and applying intercultural intelligence
- Advanced knowledge and understanding of practical impact of all relevant regulatory and statutory requirements
- Advanced knowledge and understanding of Ma’aden safety codes, regulation, rules, procedures and processes
- Advanced understanding of specific section's regulations, processes and procedures
- Advanced knowledge of statutory process compliance requirements, and understanding of the relevant regulatory and compliance issues specific to the Affiliate
- Advanced knowledge of safety procedures (e.g. risk assessments, root cause analysis, deviation analysis, etc.)
- Subject matter expert on the specific discipline / plant systems
- Competent in using applicable technology software and/or systems
- Sound analytical, problem solving skills and decision making skills
- Persuading, influencing and facilitation skills
- Advanced understanding of fundamentals of business and the value chain
- Advanced knowledge of the application of engineering, science and/or technology, including applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment
- Highly competent in troubleshooting and implementing corrective actions
- Advanced knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, cost, and other techniques for maximising the effective manufacture and distribution of goods
- Advanced working knowledge of appropriate tools and systems to find, extract and analyse data and produce reports
- Sound verbal and writing communication skills
- Coping with pressures and setbacks
- Design thinking
Focus Area
Get results through managers and through managing multiple teams
Operational / Functional
- Meet both individual and aggregate targets, (production volumes, projects, yield, availability, SHE) by pro-actively making appropriate adjustments in pursuit of delivery results (production volumes, projects, yield, availability, SHE) and quality results (product quality, service quality, customer satisfaction)
- Drive cost/capital competitiveness by Ensuring all reporting managers meet professional/technical/operational standards
- Drive productivity and HSE target achievement
- Translation and execution of functional/departmental strategy
- Resource and asset management
- Operational/project plans and priorities
- Contribute to production strategy; translate strategy into practice and implement
- Lead, manage and participate in emergency response procedures. Act as ER controller in the case of emergency (During emergency situations, evaluate the abnormalities and take corrective action as to avoid downtime, equipment damage and/or HSERQ incidents)
- Instil safety culture and ensure strict adherence to statutory and Ma'aden's safety requirements, regulations, rules, processes and procedures
- Ensure embedding of Ma'aden's Safety Culture Transformation Program
- Develop medium term plans which drives aggregate results and support other departments
- Ensure all subordinate managers meet their professional/technical/operational standards and targets
- Manage budget and ensure financial discipline amongst subordinate managers
- Manage contracts and contractors
- Incident identification and management
- Manage all resources (people, money, equipment, etc) responsibly, ensuring safety and continuous compliance with requirements (cost, quality, due dates, targets)
- Manage shift personnel (rebalance personnel competency level in shifts)
- Develop and implement the production visions for the mine section
- Consistently reduce all non-value-adding work and improve productivity
- Communicate and ensure that vision, values and business direction are embraced by subordinate managers and their respective teams
- Performance management of direct reports (facilitate frequent performance dialogue and take corrective action/give recognition) and ensuring proper downward performance management
- Ensure proper talent management in area of responsibility. Identify talent and develop personnel to ensure a competent work force and appropriate career development
- Communicate, facilitate and execute change and improvement effectively
- Meet operations production target in line with customer forecast and nominated quantity
- Sampling, testing, laboratory analysis (product validation)
- Reports (fiscal, daily, monthly)
- Responsible for the product quality
- Ensures that self and team meet targets, due dates and quality standards
- Achieve agreed OPEX and CAPEX budget
- Develop the area budget, implement and manage (following approval) and ensure financial discipline amongst team members
- Compile production budget and manage it
- Prioritise and optimise production opportunities
- Investigate opportunities to debottle neck equipment and processes
- Ensure that equipment is technically functioning as per design intend; Risk base inspection studies: scheduling of equipment
- HAZOP attendance to ensure safe design and plant changes
- Develop integrated mine statutory inspection and availability matrix in conjunction with relevant departments/stakeholders
- Ensure timely results and compliance through control systems and measures
- Make quality decisions and find solutions which will improve team results
- Ensure compliance with all relevant regulatory and statutory requirements
- Facilitate and chair key production meetings
- Ensure Incident reporting and investigation (Root cause analysis)
- Facilitate and implement Ma'aden change and intervention initiatives
- Drive digitalisation within section and maintenance discipline
- Drive Saudization (recruitment, training and development) within area of responsibility
- Identify and support inter-dependencies (synergies) with own and other departments within the value chain
- Ensured all team members understand, support and execute the departmental strategy through the formulation and translation of strategy
- Establish High performance in the team through Goal clarity and alignment of all team members (performance direction)
- Creates an Energized team environment through focusing on engagement and enablement of our team that results in high performance
- Management team effectiveness by ensuring all reporting managers have clear, current and measurable goals aligned with the business direction
- Hold direct reports accountable for their own results and obstacles and deals with under performance
- Management team skill and development by seeking out opportunities for growth and development - self and direct reports
- Employment equity target achievement (Employee Profile) opportunity utilization
- Creates a high performance culture and values driven environment
- Resources availability and optimization by ensuring that Cost effective resources are available for results delivery on a daily basis; Willing to make resource trade-offs among sub-teams which improve overall results
- Results monitoring and control (incl. systems and quality control)
- Governance/charter/legal compliance (audit, inspect)
- Get results through empowering others to act
- Enable team members to achieve competence for career progression
- Coaching and development of own staff
- Mentor
- Avail staff for training and development required due to change initiatives
- Avail staff for development opportunities (incl. rotation to other Affiliates; International assignments)
- Ensures team motivation and team wellness
- Lives company values and ensures compliance of team to the values
- Apply new ideas and work methods and opportunities for improving business results through team engagement
- Build effective relations with all stakeholders (managers, team, peers, service providers, customers)
- Built effective Upstream & downstream interface management/relations/networks
- Proactively support peers in own and other departments by readily sharing information and knowledge throughout the division
- customer supplier relationship and management (incl. contractors, service providers)
- Stakeholders interface
- Continuous improvement and learning through optimized and improved systems and work processes that drive productivity and reduce cost (self and corporate initiatives)
- Use opportunities and appropriate communications tools to effectively communicate information
- Create the environment for questioning, risk taking and improvement and measure direct reports on improvement in their areas of responsibility
- Facilitate effective communication up and down from management and also within own and other stakeholder teams
- Effective interaction with supporting activities e.g. P&SM, technical, engineering
- Networking and collaboration with service providers (e.g. finance, HR, IT, etc)
- Build and maintain sound relationships with contractors and external service providers
- Identify and support inter-dependencies (synergies) with own and other departments within the value chain
- Fostering discipline and managing employee relationships
- Managing people performance (directly and via their managers)
- Translating and implementing strategy
- Advanced knowledge of governing laws, policies, standards and procedures
- Advanced knowlede in strata control management
- Advanced knowledge of financial management
- Proficient computer literacy
- Advanced know-how of operational risk management
- Expert in production models, methods, philosophies
- Advanced competence in application of safety systems
- Advanced emergency response ability
- Proficient in vendor coordination and management
- Advanced contract management
- Proficient knowledge of procurement management
- Proficient knowledge of capital in stores: stock and inventory control
- Advanced ability to conduct root cause analysis
- Advanced competence in incident identification and management
- Advanced knowledge of asset management
- Advanced knowledge and management of appropriate HSERQ
- Proficient competence using applicable software and IT systems
- Continuous improvement
- Performance management process and system
- General knowledge of people related policies, regulations and processes
- Contribute to establish Ma'aden as 3rd pillar of KSA economy
- Drive and facilitate Ma'aden Safety Culture Transformation Program