Posts by opalesque:

Buying silver is like buying gold at $554 today

I think that buying silver today is like buying gold for $554 an ounce. Let me explain: As I am writing, silver is currently trading at about 65.2% (32.6/50) of its 1980 high. If gold was trading at 65.2% of its 1980 high, it would be trading at $554...

The top 3 commodities plays for the biggest profits in 2012

A commodity is something that has universal definition and demand. Everyone knows what food is, and everybody wants it. Nearly everyone in the world knows what gold is, and nearly all of them want it. The same is true for oil, steel, copper... the list goes on.

Singapore launches iron ore futures contract

Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX), the first pan-Asian multi-product commodity and currency derivatives exchange, today announced that the world’s first Iron Ore Futures Contract on a global platform, settled based on the Metal Bulletin Iron Ore

Though volatile, commodities deliver the goods in July

Investors desperately seeking diversification amid all the volatility in stocks both in the U.S. and abroad found some salvation in commodities last month as 15 of 19 constituents in the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index gained ground.

Invest in commodities rather than producers

Investing directly in commodities through indexes gives an investor more direct exposure to commodity prices than investing in the producers, whose returns were more aligned with equities.