Posts by Profitimes:

HUI Stocks vs. Gold

In this article we will have a look at the performance of the HUI index (Amex Gold Bugs) compared to the performance of Gold.

Gold sell-off. Now what?

After reaching an all-time high well above $1,900 earlier this week, gold is now about $180 lower, just two days later. We have been saying more than once that we should expect these kind of volatile moves in a parabolic end phase.

Correlation between India and gold

Gold is reaching record highs these days. Who benefits most of high gold prices? Those who hold a lot of the yellow metal of course. In India, there seems to be a real gold rush these days.

Neither bull nor bear: an historical comparison of silver

In this article, we will describe both a bullish and a bearish view on silver. Some say Gold and Silver are huge bubbles about to pop (they say that silver already popped when it dropped from nearly $50 to nearly $30 in may). Gold however, is trading near an all-time high, so definitely, the gold bubble hasn’t popped (yet).

Dow Jones-to-gold ration and Greek stocks

In this article we will discuss different ratios, including the important DowJones-to-Gold ratio, but also a special ratio which we will discuss below. Let’s start with the DowJones-to-Gold ratio. When you see the following chart, you will probably be convinced that the Dow-to-Gold ratio has a long way to go before bottoming. Since 1900, the ratio has often fallen below 3. It even dropped as low as 1 in 1980: