Metso receives recognition for its efforts to improve mining safety in Chile

Anglo American Chile has awarded Metso with two titles at its 19th Annual Safety Meeting. Metso received the Outstanding Partner of 2012 award, and the Presidency 2012 award for excelling as the number one safety partner of Anglo American South Chile. Both awards are a significant acknowledgement for Metso’s high standards and for the results achieved under the Life Cycle Services contract with Anglo American’s Los Bronces mine.

“Creating a working environment where the management of health and safety risks is a core value is something you need to strive for daily”, says Aldo Cermenati, General Manager for Chile and Vice President, South America Services at Metso Mining and Construction.

“This is a great recognition for the work our people have done, and a sign we are on the right track. However, the real challenge is still ahead of us: we have to maintain these results and keep the risks we face in our everyday tasks under control”, reminds José Luis Olaeta, Maintenance Contracts Manager at Metso Mining and Construction.

“We are very pleased to count on a partner who aims for security excellence, helping us to achieve every goal in our plant. We are talking about a full time supplier who understands our needs”, notes Patricio Chacana, Plant Manager of the Los Bronces mine.

Safety is our license to operate

Anglo American’s recognition is yet another proof of Metso’s commitment to aim for injury-free operations – both at our own facilities as well as those of our customers. In addition to protecting the immediate safety of people at work, our striving in safety extends to establishing preventive guidelines and action.

“In 2012, Metso successfully introduced The Metso Safety Pledge, a vow each employee takes to guarantee his or her commitment to safety”, says Pirjo Virtanen, Vice President, Health, Safety and Environment at Metso Mining and Construction.

Metso’s strict Health, Safety and Environment standards play an important part in the Life Cycle Services contract with Anglo American’s Los Bronces mine. The aim of the long-term maintenance collaboration is to improve reliability and increase the availability of equipment. These goals are achieved by working together daily to meet operational needs and to ensure safety of the staff and integrity of the environment.

“Safety cannot be compromised. We do not want anyone to get hurt at work. And because eliminating incidents helps keep our people at work, thus reducing downtime, investing in safety really does pay off”, Virtanen reminds.