Wife of Ivanhoe Mines CEO charged after throwing a water bottle at a flight attendant

Ivanhoe Mines  (TSE:IVN) received a bit of unwanted publicity on Sunday when it was revealed that the wife of CEO Lars-Eric Johansson is facing criminal charges for throwing a water bottle at a flight attendant on an Air Canada flight.

Times Live reported that Nomantangwa Angel Babhekile Johansson, 30, was travelling from London to Toronto on December 17 when the incident took place. The plane was diverted to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested Johannson, who spent the night in police custody and then appeared at a bail hearing.

She was released after paying C$10,000 in bail. According to media reports, Johannson faces six charges including engaging in behaviour that endangered the safety or security of an aircraft in flight, assault with a weapon (the water bottle), and causing a disturbance by screaming and swearing.

She is due to appear in court again on Jan. 22 and is currently staying with relatives in Ontario after having surrendered her passport, Times Live reported.

A spokesman for Ivanhoe did not offer any comment on the incident, but added “It is also important to note that Mrs Johansson does not represent the company in any business capacity” according to Times Live.

Ivanhoe Mines was in the headlines last week for more positive news, when South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources gave final approval for the Canadian company to start building Platreef, one of the world’s biggest platinum mines.
