We are the world’s largest silver producer: KGHM

[News release submitted by KGHM] – KGHM has regained its first position in the world’s silver production.

Thomson Reuters’s analysts have recently compared results of all leading producers of this metal. In 2014, KGHM produced 1,256 tons of silver, which is 7 percent more than in the previous year.

The World Silver Survey is one of the key annual reports on silver and the only to rank all producers of this metal. The survey is prepared by the GFMS team of global metals market analysts at Thomson Reuters. It is a synthesis of the silver market’s key indicators, comprehensive statistics and in-depth economic analyses. Information in the report is based on financial figures published by companies and interviews with their representatives.

This allows for reliable data on the global silver supply and demand to published in the report each year.

“It took us one year to regain our leadership position in the silver market. In 2013, we were ranked as third silver producer. In the previous year, however, we raised production by 7 percent due to optimum ore processing and smelting activities,” said Herbert Wirth, President and CEO of KGHM.

Poland was ranked in the eighth position as the largest silver producer.

The report is prepared in co-operation with Silver Insitute. It has been published since 1990, which means it is the 25th jubilee edition.

Data from Thomson Reuters.

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