launched to encourage support for the mining industry

From Business in Vancouver

The province’s mining associations have launched a website to garner support for the mining industries leading up to the 2013 BC provincial election.

The Mining Association of BC (MABC), the Mining Suppliers Association of BC, the Association for Mineral Exploration BC and the Coal Association of Canada launched yesterday to coincide with the start of the election.

The MABC said the site is intended to encourage British Columbians to ask candidates in their areas how they would support exploration, mining and mineral processing in the province.

“The mining industry will continue to play a key role in the economy of B.C. into the coming years if government and industry work together to support a strong exploration, mining and mineral processing industry that is committed to safety and leadership in environmental stewardship,” the MABC said in a press release.

“The Vote Mining coalition urges all British Columbians to let their candidates know how important the mining sector is to our province before election day.”

The website lists industry priorities, key messages and questions to ask candidates. It also has a feature that allows users to generate and send emails to the candidates in their areas.

By Emma Crawford