Turnkey modification in Mannersdorf conducted by A TEC in collaboration with Aliacem

Luftaufnahme_Werk Mannersdorf_a
By using modern technologies combined with innovative process know-how  A TEC will further increase LafargeHolcim’s plant performance in Mannersdorf (Austria). The main target is to achieve an increased kiln output with coarse and lower calorific fuel up to 100% AFR. In addition CO-emissions will be lowered and a reduction of pressure drop in the preheater tower will be achieved. A higher separation efficiency of the top stage cyclones comes along with an increased production capacity.

As an EPC contractor A TEC covers all crucial steps from engineering to supplying equipment and plant construction. The execution of the project will be done in collaboration with the Czech company Aliacem s.r.o. Přerov.

Erection works will start in September 2016 and the whole project is going to be finished in March 2017.


About the A TEC Group

A TEC Production & Service GmbH is an engineering and technologies company located in Austria. It is focussed on optimization and efficiency improvement of cement plants. In total, A TEC has successfully completed more than 450 cement plant optimization projects.

Part of modern cement plant operation is the usage of alternative fuels. A TEC can offer the complete AF system for nearly any kind of solid and liquid waste materials including material handling, preparation, storage and feeding into the kiln.

Besides A TEC’s core business of cement plant optimization, A TEC provides consultancy and overall project management and supervision for Greenfield and Brownfield projects (e.g. EPCM), including assistance in tendering process and assistance with environmental and other local norms and standards.