Trimble 4D Control Software Supports IBIS-FM Radar Device for Slope Stability and Structural Monitoring in Mining

Trimble® 4D Control™ monitoring software that supports the IBIS-FM radar device

Trimble® 4D Control™ monitoring software that supports the IBIS-FM radar device

SUNNYVALE, Calif., March 1, 2016—Trimble (NASDQ: TRMB) introduced today the latest version of its Trimble® 4D Control™ monitoring software that supports the IBIS-FM radar device, which is manufactured by the GeoRadar Division of Ingegneria Dei Sistemi (IDS). IDS pioneered radar technologies for a variety of applications such as slope stability and structural monitoring in open pit mining.

The IBIS-FM radar device continuously scans in all-weather conditions and detects movements with sub-millimeter accuracy for distances up to 4 kilometers (approximately 2.5 miles). Due to its long-range capabilities combined with high resolution and fast scan time, the device provides reliable fast alarm responses. The addition of IBIS-FM support in Trimble 4D Control software 4.5 can trigger early warning detection of slope instability to improve safety for workers in open pit mines.

The opportunities in radar technology play a significant role in effective project safety management in monitoring operations involving highwalls, excavated faces and potentially unstable slopes, which create hazardous work environments. Radar technology can detect deformations on a monitored surface based on phase shifts along the line of sight. In this context, two radar images that are acquired from the same surface area are differenced in phase to form a radar interferogram, which in turn detects and assesses possible deformations.

“With the integrated support for the IBIS-FM radar device, we continue to demonstrate our commitment to improving safety for mining personnel. As we continue to add support for third-party sensors to our monitoring solutions, we are enabling our customers to better detect, automate and analyze information with a variety of tools to improve the safety and management of monitoring operations,” said Shawn Hilliard, business area director of Trimble’s Monitoring Solution.


Trimble 4D Control version 4.5 is available now from Trimble’s Infrastructure Distribution Network. For more information, visit:

About Trimble’s Monitoring Solutions

Trimble’s portfolio of advanced sensor solutions, application software and state-of-the-art recorders provide proven integrated tools for monitoring and earth systems applications. The solutions allow organizations to monitor the integrity of a building, dam, mine, bridge and other structures, or natural hazards monitoring the seismic activity for a project and surrounding communities. Trimble’s customizable and scalable monitoring solutions harness the power of GNSS, optical, seismic, engineering and geotechnical sensors to provide in-depth measurement, data analysis and management tools to help organizations meet a range of project requirements from periodic deformation measurements to real-time automated monitoring solutions.

For more information about Trimble Monitoring Solutions, visit:

About Trimble

Trimble applies technology to make field and mobile workers in businesses and government significantly more productive. Solutions are focused on applications requiring positioning or location—including surveying, construction, agriculture, fleet and asset management, public safety and mapping. In addition to utilizing positioning technologies such as GPS, lasers and optics, Trimble solutions may include software content specific to the needs of the user. Wireless technologies are utilized to deliver the solution to the user in the field and to ensure communication between the field and the office. Founded in 1978, Trimble is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.

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