Timo Boll and his team mates from record-breaking champions Borussia Düsseldorf find out on location

Precision, quality and reliability from Germany: these are the values that have made European Champion Timo Boll famous the world over – especially in table tennis crazy China. Yet they are also values that RAG Mining Solutions GmbH embodies. To raise the

Timo Boll

profile of the company, since March 2012, the table tennis star and his team mates from record-breaking champions Borussia Düsseldorf have been gracing the world’s competitive stages with the RAG Mining Solutions logo on their t-shirts. They are now
demonstrating their proximity to the world of mining at a practical level.

Players Timo Boll, Christian Süß, Patrick Baum and Ricardo Walther joined the trainer and the managers from the German table tennis league team on an underground tour of the Prosper-Haniel mine. At a depth of 1,000 meters they got to see the modern mining
operations at construction depth 527. “It’s a different world down there,” said Boll, excited after his trip underground. “The cutting edge technology that is used there requires genuine professionals,” said Boll in the visitors’ coop, his face black with coal dust. The
players were particularly impressed by the team spirit and hard work of the miners, and drew parallels with their sport.

The players were accompanied by Dirk Ostermann, Director of RAG Mining Solutions, and Klaus-Jürgen Reinewardt, Production Director at the Prosper-Haniel mine. “With Timo Boll and Borussia Düsseldorf we have found exactly the right partners for us and
our work in the Chinese mining sector,” explained Ostermann. “And now they’ve experienced at firsthand what our company stands for in the market – the highest levels of German mining technology and know-how, things that are in demand world-wide
– especially in China.”