The global race for shale development is on

By Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Investment Strategist

Guess who the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) says has 430% more proven gas reserves than the US?

Guess who has twice as much as the US in shale gas technically recoverable?

Guess who has over twice as much proven oil reserves as the US?

The EIA recently published a 730-page report which assesses the shale formations of 41 countries. The global race for shale development has started. Countries that are not now known for their oil and gas production are showing much shale oil and gas promise.

Would you be surprised to know that China has more proven oil reserves than the US?

If you want to know the answers to the three questions we have at the beginning of this missive, then I believe you will be interested in the Casey Energy Report‘s plans on profiting from the global shale race. If you thought the US was the king of shale, we are sorry to burst your bubble… it no longer wears the crown.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Now, do you know how to make money from the global shale race? Countries like China, Argentina, and Russia are starting to exploit their unconventional energy sources. The global race for shale development and exploitation is on, and fortunes will made. Make sure you are well informed before you place your bets on this global race, as fortune will favor the bold – but the informed will fare much better.

Casey Research was the first in the business to publish a report on the potential of the European shales, years before the EIA came out with this report. Our subscribers made over 600% gains on Cuadrilla Resources, which just recently completed a deal with Centrica that valued the company in the hundreds of millions. Been there, done that.

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