Smarter logistics for a brighter global mining scenario

Mining in Africa is faced with numerous challenges. One of the greatest challenges faced by mining companies is logistics. Most of these mines are located in remote areas. As a result, mining companies require an efficient supply chain system to ensure that mining products reach the market on time, given the market competition and constant price change.

South Africa is known as one of the world’s largest hub for mining. To maintain their competitive edge companies have to shift their focus by prioritizing logistics and embracing new technologies . The primary focus of companies should be on builing a smarter supply chain for the future.

The 2nd Annual Global Logistics in Mining Forum, scheduled on the 12-13 november, 2013 in South Africa will provide a platform for leading mining companies around the globe to witness latest trends in logistics in mining. Some of the leading speakers at this conference are Nosipho Damasane, Chief Executive Officer, Richards Bay Coal Terminal (South Africa). Nosipho will share her vast knowledge on mine to port logistics optimization. Expanding on supply chain furthur, Leroy Musa Nsibande, Group Manager Logistics, Arcelor Mittal (South Africa) will address bringing all supply chain activities into one strategic business unit with the board.

This conference will be attended by the decision makers from global mining companies and will provide two days of industry specific in-depth knowledge and precise information along with the opportunity to network and exchange business ideas with the corporate leaders of the mining industry.