SGS Opens First Full Service Geochemistry Laboratory In Medellín, Colombia

SGS is pleased to announce the opening of our expanded geochemical laboratory in Medellín, Colombia. With this expansion, SGS is positioned to offer a full range of geochemical analyses in response to the growing needs of the local exploration industry. The expansion is now fully operational and accepting samples.

As the first comprehensive geochemical laboratory in Colombia, SGS will provide its clients with the following services:

• Sample preparation for gold and base metals
• Fire assay with AAS and gravimetric finish
• Screen metallics for nuggety gold analysis
• Trace metal analysis, total digestion by ICP-OES and ICP-MS
• Aqua regia digest by ICP-MS
• Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
• Classical chemistry

The expansion of our Medellín laboratory complements SGS Minerals Services’ existing geochemical and metallurgical facilities in South America and further increases our broad network of commercial labs around the world. SGS is committed to providing our clients with comprehensive services locally, as they step out into new jurisdictions around the world. We offer a wide range of capabilities to the minerals sector including geochemical analysis, resource calculation, mineralogy, metallurgy, advanced systems, water treatment and trade services. For further information regarding these and other SGS services, please visit our website