RPM announces launch of XERAS Enterprise 1.2 with increased benefits to users – turning data into information

(BRISBANE, Australia) RungePincockMinarco is excited to announce the much anticipated launch of XERAS Enterprise 1.2, delivering the next phase of innovative features for its enterprise financial modelling product.

Building upon the successful launch of XERAS Enterprise in October 2015, XERAS Enterprise 1.2 enables customers to gain greater insight into their financial plans including detailed analysis of changes between versions of their mine plan, and powerful value driver analysis.

XERAS Enterprise 1.2 introduces the new reviewer mode which includes new features including sensitivity analysis and plan version comparison using a graphical bridge/waterfall diagram visualisation.  This provides customers rapid visibility into the key value drivers of their business.  By instantly converting data into valuable information, users can become financially fit, fast.

Users will experience increased visibility of data coupled with the ability to rapidly make changes to underlying assumptions to review the impact on the business’s key performance indicators. Following on from this quick and easy evaluation of “what-if” outcomes, is the ability to systematically compare two versions of the plan, for example, a budget versus a current forecast.

XERAS Enterprise allows users to quickly and easily turn financial data into information – a powerful weapon in today’s tough operating market. To truly optimise mine performance, users must truly understand their business.

Darren Rostron, XERAS Enterprise Product Manager says “Where do you want to spend your effort – moving and preparing data or analysing information to find improvements and efficiencies?  We are innovating our product to provide customers with the right information quickly, allowing significantly more time for analysis.  With analysis comes continuous improvement which is imperative in today’s market.”

“Such rapid and simple evaluation of financial plans is what makes XERAS Enterprise unique, providing the next level of visibility, consistency and control in budgeting and reforecasting for our clients.”

The overall business benefits are clear – with an ever-increasing need for users to rapidly gain an accurate snapshot of their company’s financial position – XERAS Enterprise is the tool to do just that.