Roskill: Stability returns to the rhenium market

By the beginning of 2013, the rhenium market had experienced three years of relative calm after considerable volatility from the end of 2006 to 2009 when the spot price peaked at almost US$12,000/kg, with steeply rising demand for use in aerospace superalloys.  Since the end of 2009 the spot price has remained below US$5,000/kg and was being quoted between US$3,500 and US$3,700/kg in January 2013.

Despite some concerns in the industry regarding future supply, Roskill believes that primary and secondary resources are sufficient to allow producers and potential producers to keep pace with demand. This should mean continuing stability in the rhenium market, and security of supply for consumers at acceptable prices.

The new Roskill report on Rhenium uses our comprehensive data base to provide estimates of mine production of rhenium contained in molybdenum concentrates, most of which is not credited to the miner and much of which is not recovered. The report also assesses global rhenium resources in copper-molybdenum ores.

Rhenium imparts creep resistance to superalloy

Rhenium imparts creep resistance to superalloy gas turbine blades used at extreme temperatures in aero engines and industrial gas turbines.  Because of fears concerning security of supply, rhenium prices have had periods of great volatility thereby discouraging alloy makers from relying on the metal.  This report provides a perspective on the rhenium market, giving both potential and existing producers and consumers the wherewithal on which base their decisions.

Stability returns to the rhenium market

In the early 2000s the rhenium market was probably over supplied as output continued to rise despite a decline in the build-rate of aero engines between 2002 and 2005.  From 2007 to 2009 rhenium production was lower, yet demand from the aerospace industry was increasing.   As a result, surpluses that had built up in the early 2000s were used.

Between 2009 and 2012 rhenium supply has probably been in rough balance with demand.  With a better understanding of the market dynamics, producers should be more able to tailor future output to demand.

Gas-to-liquid catalysts an opportunity for rhenium

In addition to its invaluable contribution to the stability of superalloys and the safety of aero jet engines, rhenium is used in reforming catalysts in the production of high octane petroleum additives.  It is also used as a promoter in catalysts in gas-to-liquid operations, which, although small currently, may assume much greater importance in the long term in the light of the rapid expansion of shale gas output in the USA and elsewhere.

Excerpt from Rhenium: Global industry markets and outlook, 9th Edition, 2013.  For the full report see Roskill Information Services Ltd, London.