Ready, set, go! – a look at gold if the rally starts today

Ready, set, go - what happens if the gold bull market began today - graph

Could it be? Are we finally seeing the markets turn?

If this were the case and history repeats itself, we are in for several years of bliss and gains.

Here is what the next gold bull market could look like:

Gold Bull Market Duration (Months) End Date If Started Now Total gain (%)
1970-1974                                   56 Oct-2020 596%
1976-1980                                   50 Apr-2020 654%
2001-2008                                   87 May-2023 532%
2008-2011                                   30 Aug-2018 247%

Historically, the longer the bear market, the longer the bull market that followed it. Considering we are mired in the longest bear market in the history of the BGMI, we are poised to match or better the bull that occurred between 2001 and 2008, where investors experienced 87 months of continual gains which peaked at 532%.

We do not count the current uptick a break-out yet, but we are cautiously optimistic. Hopefully our subscribers have endured and have access to some dry gun powder, because the deal flow is about to ramp-up.

On the same note, we expect this year’s Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) in Toronto to be bustling as both companies and investors alike are ready to start wheeling and dealing. If you are either and would like to meet, the entire Palisade Global team will be flying in and staying the week. Shoot us an email at [email protected].