Queensland’s resources sector wins gold in job numbers

Newlands coal mine, Queensland, Australia. Image: Glencore

Queensland’s resources sector is powering jobs growth across the State with Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data showing an increase of close to 10,000 jobs in the February quarter.

Queensland Resources Council (QRC) Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said the number of jobs created in just one quarter was more than the number of athletes competing at the Commonwealth Games.

“Over the coming days around 6,600 athletes from around the world will settle into the official Games village for two weeks. However, 9,095 resources sector jobs have been created which have the potential to be lifetime careers,” he said.

Minister for Employment Shannon Fentiman said the latest ABS figures show we are right on track with our commitment to more jobs for Queensland.

“This is fantastic news for Queensland and it’s pleasing to see the fast growing resource sector is providing more jobs for the regions”

“Since the Palaszczuk Government was elected we have worked with business and industry to create more than 160,300 new jobs in Queensland.”

On the podium for jobs growth was gold for resources up 16 percent, silver for manufacturing with 14 per cent and bronze for wholesale trade rising 8 percent.

“Most resources sector careers are highly paid and highly skilled and this data again demonstrates the sectors regional reach, with more than 85 percent of the jobs outside south-east Queensland,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“Resources belong to all Queenslanders and these new jobs lift our common wealth.”

The ABS quarterly labour force data:

  • Exploration and mining support services jobs up 63 percent
  • Coal jobs up 23 percent
  • Metal jobs fell 15 percent but still up 98 percent over the 12 months.
  • Oil and gas jobs rose 3 percent and up 61 percent over the 12 months.

Employment growth in the sector is leading to greater diversity. Indigenous employment in the Queensland resources sector has outstripped growth across the total resources sector workforce, doubling in ten years.

“In 2006, Indigenous people comprised 3 percent of the State’s workforce in resources, whereas in 2016, it had grown to 4 percent. Queensland’s Indigenous population is 4 percent which places the resources sector as one of the few industries with a genuine representation.” Mr Macfarlane said.

The sector now provides one in every $6 dollars in the Queensland economy, sustains one in eight Queensland jobs, and supports more than 16,400 businesses across the State – with almost 7000 businesses in the Greater Brisbane region – all from 0.1 percent of Queensland’s land mass.