QG releases new training programs for mining professionals

CHRISTCHURCH, NZ, and PERTH, Australia., June 12, 2015 – Leading mining consultancy QG has released a new range of professional development programs for mining professionals.  QG provides specialist resource evaluation expertise and education for progressive mining companies around the globe to help them extract maximum business value from their mine operations.

Scott Dunham, Managing Director of QG says, “We’re committed to providing the industry with the best people and the best skills to tackle complex problems in the mineral resource space.  With the industry doing it tough at the moment we’ve taken the opportunity to develop a skills programs for mining professionals to fill the knowledge gap and nurture the practical, technical, analytical and scientific skills.”

QG’s Fundamental Skills Program for mining professionals start in June.  Courses will initially be held in Mitchelton and Mt Isa in Queensland, Kalgoorlie and Fremantle in Western Australia, and Vancouver in British Columbia.

Mr Dunham says, “Each course or workshop has an underlying proposition – helping the industry identify, and deliver value. We have deliberately looked to disrupt outdated methodologies and challenge preconceived ideas. From sampling to final product, our aim is to demonstrate and explain what is critically important and why.”

QG is headquartered in Brisbane and has offices in Perth, Christchurch and Vancouver.  The company is a wholly owned company of ARANZ Geo, a world leader in the visualisation and interpretation of geological sciences for the mining, hydrogeology and geothermal industries.

ARANZ Geo Chief Executive Shaun Maloney says, “We’ve reimagined traditional training programs and made them really accessible to help mining professionals. We see this as our way of giving back to an industry that has been a great partner to QG’s success over the last 15 years.  Courses are highly specific and will be conducted by some true thought leaders.”

Courses in QG’s Fundamental Skills Program include Foundation Geostatistics, Beyond Ordinary Kriging: An Introduction to the Necessity for and Methods of Non-linear Estimation, Classification and Public Reporting under the JORC Code, Formulating the Mess: Identifying and Resolving Complex Problems, Foundation Statistics, Geometric Models as Inputs for Resource Estimation, Getting Value from Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Audits, Sampling of Geological Materials – Science and Practicality, Why, When and How to Use Conditional Simulation, Data Quality Management: A Practical Guide, Fundamentals of Mine Geology and Grade Control.

For the full QG Fundamental Skills Program schedule, priced at $350AUD per person per day, and in-house training options see http://blog.qgconsulting.com.au/training/

About QG:

QG is a leading geological, geometallurgical and mine planning consultancy headquartered in Brisbane, with offices in Perth, Christchurch and Vancouver.  QG provides specialist resource evaluation expertise and education for progressive mining companies to leverage maximum value from their projects, wherever they are in the world.  QG is a wholly owned company of ARANZ Geo, a world leader in the visualisation and interpretation of geological sciences for the mining, hydrogeology and geothermal industries. ARANZ Geo is well known as the developer of Leapfrog 3D geological modelling software for the mining, hydrogeology and geothermal industries.

For more on QG see http://www.qgconsulting.com.au
For more on ARANZ Geo see www.aranzgeo.com