Production suspended at AngloGold’s Mponeng shaft due to incentive bonus dispute

A spokesman for AngloGold Ashanti said today that production at the company’s Mponeng shaft has been temporarily halted due to a workers dispute over incentive bonuses from the company.

AngloGold spokesman Alan Fine said, “It is closed and we are deciding what to do next. We haven’t requested anyone to go down [the shaft].”

Mponeng miner Rodgers Motlhabane said that workers refused to go underground until everybody received the ZAR 1,500 (USD 172.61) bonus the company promised them as part of their conditions for ending their strike movement.

Striking miners are primarily pushing for heightened transparency from the company’s management. Motlhabane noted that AngloGold officials said miners would receive their bonuses within seven days of returning to work and so far not everybody has.

Source (English): Times Live via BrightWire News.