Peru $2 bn copper mine auction rescheduled for February

The Michiquillay project is located in the country’s northern Cajamarca region which already hosts a number of mines. (Screenshot from Peru Libertad | YouTube.)

Lima, Dec 20 (Reuters) – An auction for the $2 billion Michiquillay copper mine project in Peru scheduled for Wednesday but canceled by the embattled government of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is now slated for February, according to state investment agency ProInversion.

The new auction date will be Feb. 20, the agency said in a statement.

The Organization of American States said earlier on Wednesday that it was preparing to send a delegation to Peru, the world’s second biggest copper producer, to observe the “political situation” at the request of Kuczynski ahead of a vote in Congress to oust him on Thursday. {nP3N1K8024}

(Reporting by Marco Aquino, writing by Dave Sherwood)