New mobile version of A TEC’s Rocket Mill®

The semi mobile version named A TEC Rocket Mill® 2.00 single is a compact version installed in a container. The mill consists of one grinding chamber with approx. 2m diameter and 315kW installed power at the main drive. This will give roughly the half capacity of the double chamber Rocket Mill 2.50. The throughput when producing RDF for the main burner (90% < 50mm) is about 10-12 t/h.

Due to the compact equipment the required installation space is very small. This new development gives clients also the possibility to test their own product on side. Depending on existing situation only small connecting works to the existing equipment are necessary.

New Product – Same Advantages

A TEC alternative fuel preparation technology offers the following primary benefits compared to conventional technologies:

  • Size reduction from 250 mm to 15 mm in one
    grinding step
  • Saving of one shredding step
  • Easy to operate
  • Easy maintenance
  • No knifes
  • Different output fuel particle sizes for main
    burner and calciner possible
  • Drying effect during operation
  • Significant reduction of fuel costs
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Requires only two fuel preparation steps
  • Separated FE and non-FE materials can be fed
    back to the recycling process
  • Reduction of coal consumption

About the A TEC Group

A TEC Production & Service GmbH is an engineering and technology company located in Austria. It is focussed on the optimization and the efficiency improvement of cement plants. In total A TEC has successfully completed more than 450 cement plant optimization projects.

Part of a modern cement plant operation is the usage of alternative fuels. A TEC can offer the complete AF system for nearly any kind of solid and liquid waste materials including material handling, preparation, storage and feeding into the kiln.

Besides A TEC’s core business of cement plant optimization, A TEC provides consultancy and overall project management and supervision for Greenfield and Brownfield projects (e.g. EPCM), including assistance in tendering process and assistance with environmental and other local norms and standards.



Mag. Christina Kastner

[email protected]

+43 4257 3600 117

Finkensteiner Straße 9

9585 Gödersdorf