Nailing the bottom of oil

bob-moriarty-the-gold-reportBob Moriarty points investors toward information that accurately captures movement in energy markets.

On August 1st, we posted a link to an update on the energy and precious metals markets from James Flanagan of Gann Global. You owe it to yourself to go back and view it and see how he totally nailed the bottom in oil.

We can provide links to really valuable and informative web sites for our readers but if you don’t use them and subscribe when you find something really good, neither you nor the vendor make any money. I don’t have a dog in the fight. I have no financial relationship with Gann Global in any way; I’d just like to see him keep nailing it and my readers to keep getting value from it.

So one more time, here is a free update from Gann Global that will tell you what to expect in the upcoming 2nd leg higher in energy showing what Gann Global sees in potential upside for energy. You owe it to yourself to watch.

Bob and Barb Moriarty brought to the Internet almost 14 years ago. They later added to cover oil, natural gas, gasoline, coal, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Both sites feature articles, editorial opinions, pricing figures and updates on current events affecting both sectors. Previously, Moriarty was a Marine F-4B and O-1 pilot with more than 820 missions in Vietnam. He holds 14 international aviation records.

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Source: Bob Moriarty for The Energy Report

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