MICROMINE uncovering buried treasure for Evolution Mining at Unearthed Sydney hackathon

MICROMINE, the leading provider of mining software solutions, will be providing Micromine licences and act as a specialist mentor for participants at the upcoming Unearthed Sydney hackathon event taking place from October 12th-14th, where Evolution Mining will provide three real operational challenges to be solved by New South Wales’ brightest innovators.

Unearthed hackathons bring together entrepreneurs, technologists, engineers and creatives from across various industries. Hackathon participants work to develop solutions to real-world problems in the resources sector. The 54-hour open innovation experience sees participants work in teams to produce prototype solutions for some of the challenges faced by mining companies in today’s market.

MICROMINE will be involved in the challenge “Buried Treasure: modelling concealed gold at Mt. Rawdon”. It focuses on recovering ore that has been lost over the side of a cut back at Evolution’s Mt Rawdon minesite in Queensland. This ‘rill’ material can contain significant amounts of gold bearing materials mixed with waste. Without knowing the spatial location of the ore, mine managers run the risk of sending this ore to waste.

Using data from mine planning, block models and as-mined volume movements, participants will be asked to develop a method that can accurately track and model the location of the blasted ore material separately to the blasted waste material.

Participants will have the opportunity to utilise Micromine 2018 to assist with finding a solution to the challenge. Micromine 2018 is the market leading exploration and 3D mine design solution providing users with integrated tools for modelling, estimation, design, optimization and scheduling.

Prior to the hackathon commencing, MICROMINE representatives will provide a 30-minute overview on the use of Micromine and will also provide specialist mentoring to participants throughout the event to ensure they are applying the software in the right way.

Micromine Product Strategy Manager Mark Gabbitus explained how Micromine software can assist in modelling blasted ore during the cut back process “Like everything in mining, location is key to this challenge. Being able to see where material has come from and where it has ended up, in 3D, will be a huge benefit to the participants. Micromine 2018 can display the as-designed and as-built surfaces along with block models, blasting plans and any other data provided, meaning participants will be able to develop detailed models of where the ore is located.”

“The Buried Treasure challenge is all about modelling material movement, so it’s really important for innovators to be able to understand the data and the context spatially. It’s fantastic to have Micromine on board, providing licenses to the innovators which will really help them get a lot more from the dataset,” said Unearthed Industry Lead – Crowdsourcing, Holly Bridgwater.

The winning team of the Unearthed Sydney hackathon will receive $3000 with the 2nd placed team receiving $2000. The Young Innovator Award and People’s Choice Award will also be recognized at the conclusion of the event.

“The Unearthed Sydney hackathon, supported by Evolution Mining, is a great initiative and one that MICROMINE is really excited to be involved in. We love assisting our clients to find solutions to some of the problems they face in the industry and we are looking forward to seeing what the participants come up with using Micromine 2018,” Gabbitus added.

To find out more about the Unearthed Sydney hackathon event, please click here.