MICROMINE Russia is proud to sponsor the finalists at the 2017 Case-In International Engineering Championships.

MICROMINE Russia announced they would be sponsoring an additional place at this year’s Case-In International Engineering Championships.

The purpose of the Championship is to identify and support the most promising students in the fields of mining, electric power, exploration, metallurgy and oil and gas business, as well as assist them in the preparation of their practical knowledge, experience and new competencies.

More than three thousand students will compete for the title of 2017 Champion at this year’s event.  With so many attendees, 2017 is the largest ‘industry’ oriented competition across Russia and CIS countries.

The 2017 Championship will consist of teams of students from Russia and CIS countries, attempting to solve several real-world engineering cases based on 5 areas: electrical, mining, geological, oil and gas, and metallurgy.

MICROMINE Russia Manager, Boris Kurtsev was at the launch of the Championship in Ekaterinburg and announced that MICROMINE would sponsor an extra nomination to the finals. The additional place would be available for teams who used Micromine to solve their problem.

He commented “This is a great opportunity to check the students’ skills in using Micromine. We look forward to seeing what the students produce and the results.”

The qualifying rounds are being held at 47 technical universities across the region, where teams are given problems based on real production issues and are required to offer technical solutions during their presentation to the judges’ committee. The committee consists of representatives from leading companies, universities and education centres across the region.

Mr Kurtsev added “The Championship brings the best engineering students from across the region to solve complex engineering cases. It is an excellent chance for students to apply what they have learnt to a real-world problem.”

The best teams from Russia and CIS countries, as chosen by the judges during the qualifying round will compete against students from Kazakhstan and Mongolia at the finals in Moscow on May 30th & 31st for the title of Champions. The final prize for the Championship winning team is the opportunity for them to intern at one of the industry’s leading companies.

For more information about MICROMINE, visit our website.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of intuitive software solutions for the exploration and mining sector. MICROMINE’s integrated suite of solutions covers the entire mining process, from exploration through to mine production.

MICROMINE understands the software and consultancy needs of operations around the world. Located in the world’s major mineral producing capitals, our teams are close to clients’ operations. This means MICROMINE can provide local support in the client’s own language and time zone.