MICROMINE releases Geobank Mobile 2

PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA & LONDON, UK – 28 October 2014: Leading provider of intuitive software solutions and services to the international mining sector, MICROMINE, is pleased to announce the release of Geobank Mobile 2, the latest version of the company’s geological fieldlogging

Specifically designed for the mining industry, Geobank Mobile 2 allows users to confidently collect and work with geological field data. The solution ensures accurate data capture through real-time validation and rich data input controls that minimise errors at the point of entry. It also maximises efficiencies through customisable calculation fields, in-built data approval and transfer mechanisms.

Commenting on the latest release, Geobank Operations Manager, Derek Vincent, said “The Geobank Product and Development Team has invested a significant amount of time and effort into Geobank Mobile 2. I am incredibly proud of this latest release and based on the positive experiences of our Beta Testers I am confident that it will be very well received by the market”.

“The application’s new and enhanced features continue the company’s tradition of producing easy-to-use software solutions which enhance user productivity and efficiencies”.

“Geobank Mobile 2’s most significant new feature is the synchronisation of collected data and logging profiles with SQL Server, enabling communication between devices and head office. Data collected on field-deployed Geobank Mobile devices can be seamlessly uploaded into central databases in the office”.

“Synchronisation will increase productivity through more efficient workflows, increased data confidence, and improved access to data. It will also save time through the simplified distribution and updating of logging profiles, and by allowing database administrators to more easily gather and
distribute data”.

“Geobank Mobile 2 also includes a new centralised screen which groups all validation errors and cross references them to data records. This will help to enhance data accuracy and user productivity, and introduce cost savings through faster and more efficient validation processes in the field”.

In addition to these new features, Geobank Mobile 2 contains many efficiency enhancements. These include improved memory optimisation, more options for exporting logged data, enhanced execution parameters, and improvements to the Schema Editor.

Since the company’s establishment in 1986 MICROMINE has become renowned for always keeping its software up-to-date through regular service releases and new versions, regardless of the economic climate. This can be attributed to the company’s commitment to its ongoing Research and
Development Programs which are funded by a significant percentage of annual revenue.

Reflecting on this financial investment, Vincent comments “Geobank Mobile 2 closely follows the launch of Micromine 2014, the latest version of the company’s exploration and mine design solution, and will soon be followed by the release of Pitram 2015, the upcoming version of MICROMINE’s mine operations system”.

“These releases, all introduced within five months of each other, are testament to the company’s commitment to the ongoing enhancement of its software across-the-board. We are as dedicated to our exploration clients as we are to our mining ones”.