MICROMINE announces today the release of 2016.1

MICROMINE maintains its leading reputation by regularly releasing new software versions which build upon the strengths of its solutions. This ensures MICROMINE’s solutions continue to meet evolving user needs and industry conditions.

Established in 1986, in Perth, Western Australia, MICROMINE has cultivated a reputation as a leading provider of software solutions to mining communities throughout Australia, Russia, Africa and across the world.

MICROMINE has released the latest version of its leading exploration and 3D mine design solution, Micromine 2016 to clients and is available to download* now.

Micromine 2016.1 is minor update to the Micromine family, with a major focus on usability and workflow in large and complex multi-user projects. The solution allows users to capture, manage and interpret critical data, and is relevant to all stages of the mineral extraction process.

Micromine provides explorers with an in-depth understanding of their project so prospective regions can be targeted more effectively, increasing the chance of a project’s success. Miners are provided easy-to-use modelling, estimation and design tools to simplify day-to-day production tasks.

New and Enhanced Features

Some of the new and enhanced features within Micromine 2016 include:

  • New support for texture-mapped triangulated 3D models (including Adam Technology RAW, Stanford PLY, Wavefront OBJ, and Autodesk FBX)
  • New Drillhole Imaging Vizex layer to display cylindrically-wrapped, depth-referenced drillhole imagery such as Televiewer data
  • New support for variable search orientations (dynamic anisotropy) in kriging
  • New secondary clipping window (shadow slicing), with separate colour options for objects in front of or behind the current section plane
  • New Additional Grids feature to add transformed mine grids to Vizex and the Plot Editor, with built-in expression support for advanced labelling
  • New text search on Display Pane Layers
  • New Collapse All option for groups in the Display Pane
  • New Highlight Layer in the Vizex context menu (Selection | Highlight Layer) to select the layer and make it visible in the Display pane
  • New Invert Selection in the Wireframe and Form set Managers
  • New expressions support for creating wireframe sets
  • New Wireframe | Manage | Attributes for creating and managing user attributes, with mixed-case names
  • New Display Selected option in the Wireframe Manager displays multiple selected wireframes in one operation
  • New macro support for Drillhole Log
  • New Create Wireframe Set option in the Wireframe Manager creates a wireframe set directly from selected wireframes
  • New ability to edit colours from the Properties window for layers using RGB colour fields
  • New option in Mining | Underground | Interactive Generate Profile Shape to add a profile perpendicular to the selected string

Micromine saves time and increases productivity. It is renowned for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, easily enabling advanced tasks, such as pit optimisation, mine design and complex plot layouts to be executed in minutes. Micromine’s intuitive macro capabilities and reusable form sets facilitate rapid progression through complex processes.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploration and data management, to resource estimation, mine design, planning and production control.

Customers use MICROMINE software to maximise their asset value, increase productivity and for decisions on which they know they can rely. Our software is renowned for its ease of use yet powerful capabilities. All products are available in numerous languages and supported by local experts. Founded 30 years ago, MICROMINE solutions are used at more than 2,000 sites in over 90 countries.