Micromine 2016 introduced into Rudny Industrial Institute in Kazakhstan

MICROMINE Central Asia announced this week a new Academic Licence Scheme (ALS) agreement has been signed with Rudny Industrial Institute (RII) in Kazakhstan. The agreement is the seventh class at Rudniy Industrial Institute, providing strategic and multifaceted foundations, which include continued support, learning resources and training materials and access to the wider MICROMINE community.

MICROMINE considers these educational partnerships to be a strategic investment in the development of local communities and the future of the mining industry. Signing this new agreement with Rudniy Industrial Institute will prove to be a strong alliance.

“MICROMINE is a great supporter of new initiatives and strives to develop the share of information technologies in the education of young professionals” commented Regional Manager Erick Kanaev

Rudny Industrial Institute is devoted to technology and applied science. Rudny Industrial Institute (RII) offers courses and programs leading to officialy recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study.

Micromine 2016 delivers improved flexibility, functionality and performance, with a variety of user benefits relevant to both exploration and mining operations. Modules that will be used in the class are: Core, Wireframing, Resource Estimation, Mining, Survey, Pit Optimization, Scheduler.

Representatives of MICROMINE Central Asia attended the opening ceremony of the Micromine class and handed over the set of training licenses to the Rudniy Industrial Institute. MICROMINE specialists will carry out training for the teaching staff in the upcoming weeks.

“We hope that students of RII gain real world knowledge and make valuable contribution to the development of the mining industry of Kazakhstan.”

“The university graduates will use their learnings from Micromine classes and adopt workings to assist their final thesis papers. This allows students to have higher employment possibilities, which will influence on employabiliy and future development.” Kanaev adds.

MICROMINE Kazakhstan adds this recent partnership to their extensive partnerships in the region including; Kazakh National Research University in Almaty, Karaganda State Technical University, East Kazakhstan State Technical University in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey Geological Prospecting College and Ridder Agro-Technical College.

Continuing to grow globally, MICROMINE’s Academic Licence Scheme adds another world class school to the list of partners, signing this agreement with Colorado School of Mines (Mines), Geology and Geological Engineering Department.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploration and data management, to resource estimation, mine design, planning and production control.

Customers use MICROMINE software to maximise their asset value, increase productivity and for decisions on which they know they can rely. Our software is renowned for its ease of use yet powerful capabilities. All products are available in numerous languages and supported by local experts. Founded 30 years ago, MICROMINE solutions are used at more than 2,000 sites in over 90 countries.