Metallurgical Innovation the Focus of ALTA

This world-class metallurgical conference is once again bringing the international community together in Perth for its 24th annual event.  ALTA has developed a solid reputation as a leading technical metallurgical-oriented event, attracting senior industry representatives from around the globe.  ALTA 2019, to be held 18-25 May at Pan Pacific Perth, promises to continue the tradition of delivering a feast of high-quality technical content for professionals from the metallurgical and related sectors.

Conference Founder and Chair, Metallurgical Consultant Alan Taylor, emphasises the “for the past 23 years, this event has provided a dynamic forum for sharing ideas, innovations, technologies and projects.  Both ALTA and the industry have come a long way since our first conference in 1995, but our focus on the importance of metallurgical innovation remains the same.”


The emphasis of the program is practical rather than academic, and the themes running through the conference are the various aspects of technology and project development. Each session has been carefully crafted to provide the best value for delegates and includes an insightful and authoritative Keynote Address.

Alan explains that “over many years the conference has evolved to meet the demands of the industry.  For example, in recent years the program has been expanded to include the currently hot topics of Lithium Processing, and In Situ Recovery and to reflect the rapidly developing field of battery metals.”

The event now incorporates separate dedicated sessions for Nickel-Cobalt-Copper, Uranium-Rare Earths, Gold-Precious Metals, In Situ Recovery and Lithium Processing.

Panel discussions and Q&A are a major highlight of ALTA events, providing a unique opportunity for knowledge sharing, discussion and debate with highly-experienced professionals. Following the conference, detailed notes are published for the benefit of the wider industry and are provided via the ALTA Free Library.


The signature Nickel-Cobalt-Copper combined sessions are spread over three days, encompassing segments on battery metals, laterite processing, leaching process development and other key topics. The highlight of the sessions is the Pressure Acid Leaching Forum and Panel Q&A which acknowledges the 20th anniversary of the commissioning of the landmark Bulong, Cawse, and Murin Murrin Nickel-Cobalt PAL projects.

The Uranium-REE sessions, organised in co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria), for the fifth year, are held on 23 May.  They feature a Developments in IX Forum and Panel Q&A.

ALTA have partnered with Curtin Gold Technology Group (Perth), for the Gold-PM sessions also on 23 May.  The Forum and Panel Q&A focusses on Fit-for Purpose Leaching Systems.

On the final day of the conference, the In Situ Recovery (ISR) sessions will run in parallel with the Lithium Processing sessions, each offering its own panel discussion, providing a rare opportunity for open discussion and debate.

The ISR sessions are organised in partnership with CSIRO (Perth), who will lead the Forum and Panel discussion on Enhancing ISR Permeability. The Novel Lithium Processes Forum and Panel Q&A is already attracting international interest.

By popular demand, this year ALTA has introduced additional flexibility for attendees by including single-day and corporate shared registrations options.

Short Course Program 

The conference sessions are bookended by three practically-oriented short courses presented by Alan Taylor. Alan draws from his extensive first-hand experience gained in 40+ years with major engineering firms and as an independent consultant. The courses, a valuable introduction for newcomers and a useful refresher for old hands, typically attract a highly-international audience.  This year’s courses cover Nickel-Cobalt Laterites, Copper SX/EW and Heap Leaching of Copper, Gold, Uranium & Nickel.

Exhibitors and Sponsors

ALTA 2019 is a dynamic platform offering participants an excellent opportunity to develop knowledge and build their professional network.  This year’s exhibition has been expanded to meet increased demand, and boasts Australian and international exhibitors.

The international nature of the event is further evidenced by the long-term support of sponsors, co-sponsors and partners from leading global brands and associations.

A Record-Breaking Event

Following last year’s record attendance, ALTA is on-track for another bumper event, presenting an outstanding technical program to exceed expectations once again.

What do people say about ALTA?  Testimonials