Kazchrome Awards Tenova Pyromet furnace contract for Aksu ferroalloys plant renovation and upgrade

Johannesburg, South Africa, 22 August 2014 – Tenova Mining & Minerals announced today that its furnace specialist Tenova Pyromet, has been awarded a significant contract by Kazchrome for the renovation and upgrade of shop 6, at Kazchrome’s Aksu ferroalloy plant in Kazakhstan.

The technical solution features innovative furnace technology developed by Tenova Pyromet. This includes a unique transformer design and new Multiple Pre-Heater units, which will allow increased power input by almost 30 %, within the existing furnace structure and 85 MVA furnace rating.

Due for completion in mid 2016, the contract includes basic design of the complete shop 6, detail design and equipment supply for furnace 64, and process and equipment guarantees. The scope includes furnace transformers with 220 kV incoming power, which negate the need for expensive intermediate step down electrical reticulation equipment, and furnace control and automation, based on Tenova Pyromet’s AutoFurnTM technology.

“This order confirms Tenova Pyromet’s commitment to developing world class smelter technology, custom engineered to suit our client’s needs and to meeting challenging smelter projects head on.  We look forward to working with Kazchrome to make this a benchmark ferrochrome production facility,” says Andre Esterhuizen, General Manager Sales and Marketing for Tenova Pyromet.

Tenova Mining & Minerals is a total integrated solutions provider to the global mining, bulk materials handling and minerals beneficiation and processing sectors, offering innovative technological solutions and full process and commodity knowledge across the mining industry value chain.For more information visit www.tenova.com