International and local ArcelorMittal volunteers gather in Bosnia and Herzegovina to support inter-ethnic friendships at children’s camp

The ArcelorMittal Foundation has gathered 100 Prijedor elementary school pupils, their teachers, many local ArcelorMittal volunteers and 10 international volunteers, as part of a groundbreaking project to bring together children from different ethnic backgrounds.

The Foundation organised its Solidarity Holiday in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where ArcelorMittal has its mining operations. Having supported the “Camp of Children’s Smiles” project in partnership with local NGO “Don” for the third consecutive year, the five-day children’s camp, which started on 07 April and ends on 11 April is taking place in the Kozara Mountain national park.

The programme’s international volunteers have travelled from ArcelorMittal sites in Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

The aim of the children’s camp is to work with the children through educational workshops to develop their multicultural skills and learn about their ethnically-diverse community through sports and art, as well as to gain useful life skills, including traffic awareness and first aid. These activities are intended to engage the post-conflict communities and bring them together by bridging ethnic differences.

“This is the third Solidarity Holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina and over the past seven years we have implemented more than 150 community development projects through the Foundation’s work in Prijedor. Our goal is to make a difference in the community and use the opportunity we have of being a global company to provide local support while encouraging our employees to participate in these volunteering initiatives everyone will benefit from. We spend a lot of time engaging with all of our stakeholders and aim to address their needs, focusing particularly on our work with children, as they are the future of the community we intend to be part of in the long run,” says Felicidad Cristobal, CEO, ArcelorMittal Foundation.

About the ArcelorMittal Foundation

The ArcelorMittal Foundation was set up in 2007 to coordinate the company’s community investment activities. It focuses on communities where ArcelorMittal carries out its operations. The aim of the Foundation’s activities is to make a positive contribution to the socioeconomic development of the areas around our operating sites.

The ArcelorMittal Foundation focuses on three key areas: education, health, and community development. It also offers immediate and urgent help to communities affected by emergencies. The Foundation always encourages ArcelorMittal employees to take part in its projects.