Institutional Investor ranks Sergey Ivanov among the best CEOs in the mining sector

Moscow: 18 July 2018 – Sergey Ivanov, the CEO of ALROSA, was named one of the best CEOs in the mining sector, according to Institutional Investor’s ranking.

Sergey Ivanov was ranked 2nd out of 34 mining companies’ CEOs according to Institutional Investor ranking Emerging EMEA Executive Team 2018. According to the ranking based on the buy-side analysts votes Sergey Ivanov topped the 2018 ranking list.

Sergey Takhiev, ALROSA’s Head of Corporate Finance, topped the list of the Best IR Professionals based on all votes while at his previous position with NLMK, Russia’s largest steelmaker.

The Institutional Investor’s ranking is based on the survey of 189 sell-side analysts, 328 portfolio managers and buy-side analysts conducted in February and March 2018. The ranking evaluated the following criteria: senior executives accessibility, timely and appropriate level of financial disclosure, quick and thorough response to requests, well informed IR team empowered to speak authoritatively on the company’s behalf, quality of conference calls, the quality of meetings through road shows, the quality of corporate documents and investor kit materials, delivery of insight and useful reports on ESG/SRI metrics, the quality of website, as well as commitment to corporate governance standards.