US Copper’s updated PEA estimates after-tax NPV of over $1bn
The study envisions a mine life of 14 years, producing 903,000 tonnes of copper, plus 12 million oz. of silver and 63,000 oz. of gold.
While Russia has decided to boost its gold reserves after economic sanctions from the West, the country is still in the middle of the pack regarding the amount of bullion it keeps.
The USA also has the highest amount of hypothicated gold. Net net = zero if the chain of custody is broken at any point, Good luck going to an empty office hoping to go through the records.
You are sooo out of touch, or is this just another presstitute article?
Whizzling Mike
JH, got a Point. Wonder what happened to the “Little” disagreement between Angela Merkel (Germany)and the US, when they wanted a full deklaration of their goldreserve placed in a vault in the US. Angela wanted a special Commission to investigate if there was any german gold left in N.Y. It all went quiet after one article. So I am gonna wizzle a Little bit. I have inside information, that germany has made a special (pakt) with US about not telling about the gold situation considering the german gold reserve, cause it would stir up the global economy enormously. From what I’ve Heard, Germany isnt the only country that has been “stolen” gold from. Why? I Think you al can figure out why!
Bishop Hammy
Has any one seen this gold, from comments for last 10 years that I have been interested there has been no verification of any gold let alone this amount plus the fact that they cannot even return the German gold held in safe storage.
Ivan Fed
This must be another govt. data source, so I am to believe this also. B.S. When they say something do the opposite and survive. Lol
Mark Harder
Good luck eating and drinking the gold when arable farmland and potable water supplies go south.