Infographic: America’s Most Dangerous Jobs

Beaverton, OR — It’s called a widow maker. Loggers use the term to describe a loose limb or tree top that plummets to the ground shedding deadly branches and splinters. It’s a hazard loggers face every day as they climb the world’s canopy armed with boots and a chainsaw. It’s a hazard that often makes widows of the spouses left behind.

Logging is ranked as America’s most deadly job, with 91.3 fatalities per 100,000 workers. Graphic Products has compiled this, and the nine other most deadly professions in “America’s Most Dangerous Jobs,” an eye-opening infographic detailing average fatalities per 100,000 workers and median salaries per profession. The infographic is available online, and showcases that workers aren’t always paid in proportion to the danger they face on the job.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top ten most dangerous jobs are:

Loggers– 91.3 fatalities
Fishermen – 75 fatalities
Pilots – 50.6 fatalities
Roofers – 38.7 fatalities
Sanitation Workers – 33 fatalities
Mining Machine Operators – 26.9 fatalities
Truck Drivers – 22 fatalities
Farmers – 21.8 fatalities
Power Line Workers – 21.5 fatalities
Construction Workers – 17.7 fatalities

Dangerous Jobs Infographic

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