Industry leaders like Deloitte Identifying Rail-Veyor® as the Bulk Material Handling System of Choice over Conveyors.

When the needs of industry change, there are only two choices. Either adapt current methods or seek out new solutions. The mining, aggregate and energy sectors are facing increased demands for bulk material handling over longer distances and challenging terrain that conventional methods like conveyors can no longer keep up with.  Rail-Veyor® Technologies Global Inc is quickly becoming the go-to technology for industrial bulk material handling where there are difficult geometries and topographies to navigate, steep inclines and longer distances.

Rail-Veyor® is redefining material handling with a remote controlled, electrically powered light-rail haulage solution for the mining and aggregate industries. This material handling solution is proving how it leads the way in availability, adaptability and how it meets the demand for increased capacity in surface and underground applications.

There have been numerous independent studies by some of the industry leaders that come to the same conclusion. Deloitte Global Services Ltd. concludes in its annual report entitled “Top Trends in Mining Companies Will Face in 2014,” that the Rail-Veyor® system has “the benefits of conveyors without most of the disadvantages.”  A recent Coaltech Transportation Investigation Study states that “the Rail-Veyor® system proved to be the only technology that was competitive under every single scenario for bulk material handling.” These reputable third party companies have identified Rail-Veyor® as the technology to look at in 2014 and beyond.

“The two-wheeled rail cars operate on a light-rail track and form a continuous open trough design that easily operates on gradients up to 20% and turns within a 30-metre (95 foot) horizontal radius,” says Pat Fantin, VP of Technical Services for Rail-Veyor®.  “Unlike conveyors, the Rail-Veyor® system doesn’t need transfer points,” adds Fantin.  “The train travels up to 8 m/sec (18 mph) and can switch from constant to variable speeds which are additional features that conveyors don’t offer. Our train design prevents roll back or spillage and the system needs no manpower for maintenance unlike conveyors. Haulage capacities are based on train sizes which, again conveyors can’t match,” states Fantin

Alex Henderson, from Alex Henderson Consulting Inc. has used the Rail-Veyor® system extensively underground and on the surface. He considers this technology far superior to conveyors for bulk material handling. “Conveyors can’t compete with Rail-Veyor®. It is easily expandable in both capacity and extendibility. You just add another train or more track,” Henderson explains. 

“With respect to surface and underground material handling, Rail-Veyor® is more cost effective than conveyors in both time and money”, adds Henderson. “Rail-Veyor® systems eliminate the long construction phase after development and before production. Installing a conveyor typically takes six months. With Rail-Veyor®, you can install as you go and as soon as you hit the working face, you’re in production. In underground situations, where a second egress is mandatory, the drift used by the Rail-Veyor® can be classified as the second egress so production can be started immediately.”

Once considered an improvement over truck haulage, conveyors are now falling short and proving to be much more expensive and time consuming to install. This is where Rail-Veyor® has filled the void and is looked to as a better overall material handling solution over conveyors.

Frank Ward, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Rail-Veyor Technologies Global Inc. comments that “The Rail-Veyor® system is gaining a lot of attention in the aggregate and mining industry because it provides the flexibility of truck haulage, along with the economics of  conveyors and the energy efficiency of heavy rail.”

Rail-Veyor® Technologies Global provides bulk material handling solutions world-wide to the mining and aggregate industries.  The Rail-Veyor® technology can effectively transport ore, coal, aggregate, wood chips and other industrial bulk materials over long distances, over difficult topographies and below shafts underground. Rail-Veyor’s ® head office is in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada with regional offices in Toronto, Canada, in Elko, Nevada, and Chicago, U.S.A.  Learn more about its competitive advantage over conveyors or truck haulage: View information on specifications: To learn more or to schedule a tour of a Rail-Veyor® installation, please go to