HxGN LIVE Las Vegas, 13-16 June

Discover new ways to work smarter by joining us at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference. Learn more about the digital integration that is transforming the mining industry. See bold new solutions for vehicle intervention and geologic modeling, along with a host of integrated technology that spans monitoring, planning, safety, and operations.


We will present technical sessions in the same collaborative environment familiar to MineQuest attendees. Meet subject matter experts and obtain first-hand information about product roadmaps. Sessions will cover integration, safety, planning, operations, georadar, and mobile mine production management apps.

Topics to be covered include the integration of mine planning software, MineSight 3D, with our survey suite; an integrated blast workflow; and synergies being developed between collision avoidance and fleet management.

Improvements to FatigueMonitor and our new Vehicle Intervention System will headline the safety talks. Building an air-tight geological model with GeoLogic leads our planning sessions, with presentations scheduled for MineSight Schedule Optimizer, and short-term planning product, Atlas.

The unveiling of a new hardware platform is among the operations’ sessions, along with hardness on hammer drills plus the use of hotspot analysis for mining applications.

Our georadar partners, IDS, will showcase trend analysis and alarming in slope monitoring, blast vibration innovation, and the latest integration between radar sub-monitoring and the Hexagon Mining technology portfolio.

Acquired in January, MiPlan introduces its mine production management solutions and how they are being integrated with our fleet management and drill and blast technology.

And expect a full complement of case studies and client presentations to round out a dynamic mix of mining sessions.

The Zone

The ever-popular technology expo, The Zone represents three football fields of innovation. We will be unveiling exciting integration between MineSight 3D and GeoMos, Aibotix and IDS georadar technology. Our new geomodeling solution, GeoLogic will be on display, along with our Vehicle Intervention System, plus the latest advancements to FatigueMonitor.

There will be a full suite of monitoring and surveying solutions on show, including Leica MultiStations, Leica high-definition laser scanners, Total Station Prism Systems and UAVs. Plus, MiPlan will display its range of real-time integrated data solutions for the industry.

The Zone is where our technology comes to life! Talk to the experts and see a demo. Learn more about the mining technology that’s shaping smart change in the industry.

Register for HxGN LIVE

Until April 23, take advantage of the early-bird rate of $500 (reduced from $1,350)

1. Enter the code HXGN-MINING
2. Click “Start new registration”
3. Complete steps 1-5 in the registration process

Registration covers meals and a variety of evening socials. ($750 after April 23; $1,350 after May 28.)