Holiday Fun…With A Chance of Free Gold

Gold for Christmas? Yes please!

There is a cool contest getting started where you can use your precious metal stock picking prowess to win gold. And it’s risk free.

Betting on stocks without actually putting capital at risk? And with the chance to win actual gold if your portfolio outperforms the rest? It’s basically the perfect stock market game.

For all of us who like investing in exploration and mining stocks, the market is a double-sided beast: the thrill of the hunt and excitement when it works…versus the anxiety over putting your capital at risk. was created to capture only the good parts of that game. It’s a web site where you pick stocks and compete with others to craft the best portfolios. You can play some pools every week, honing your stock picking skills within indices like the S&P/TSX 60 or the TSX Venture. Other pools happen when the market gets interested in a particular thing, like lithium stocks or juniors exploring for gold in BC’s Golden Triangle. And often the pools come with prizes, be it a $500 Flight Center gift card or some variety of lithium-based technology.

Risk-free betting with prizes to win – it’s the fantasy sport pool for stocks.

Stockpools is based in Vancouver and the guys behind it have roots in mining, so metals have always featured on the site. But starting January 3 a precious metals-focused pool with big prizes will turn all the attention to gold and silver explorers, developers, and producers.

So if you are a precious metals stock picker who wouldn’t mind winning some free gold, this is a perfect contest for you.

Here’s how it will work. Players have to pick two of six companies from four categories. The companies range from early-stage BC explorers to Colombian gold developers to major global gold miners and everything in between.

Each category is its own competition, so your Category 1 picks will compete against everyone else’s picks from that group. The fifth category is the Wildcard: you get to pick any one company listed on a North American exchange with a stock price above $1.

The contest will run for nine weeks, with a winner each week.

You make your picks on the weekend and your portfolio is set for that week. You can change your picks each weekend or leave them as is.

And the really fun part: the prizes. Over the contest’s nine weeks Stockpools, sponsored by Kitco, is giving away no less than 7 ounces of gold. Weekly winners in the first eight weeks will get half an ounce. The top three portfolios in the ninth and final week of the contest will each get a full ounce of gold.

Winners will be announced at PDAC in Toronto on March 7, so if you attend the convention you’ll get to accept your prize on stage. If Toronto in March isn’t for you, don’t worry you don’t have to be present to win.

If you’re thinking of playing, consider this: Stockpools has hundreds of people signed up to play in the first week but expects thousands to be playing by the end, after word has spread. So get in early, because who doesn’t want better odds?

Click here to sign up and start playing.

It’s a fun, risk free, and potentially profitable way to speculate on precious metals stocks. Seems to me like a perfect game to play over the holidays.
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