Groundwater Model Calibration Made Easy

Discover the full potential of automated model calibration in Visual MODFLOW® Flex 2012.2. With robust support for PEST version 12.3 now integrated in Visual MODFLOW Flex, calibrating groundwater flow models and achieving a realistic set of model parameters has never been easier.

  • Define PEST inputs and interpret results faster and more efficiently with step-by-step guidance through the PEST workflow
  • Achieve realistic and representative parameter values for your site conditions that honour field-observed data values
  • Gain confidence in your parameter values by making side-by-side visual comparisons of the original and calibrated models
  • Easily evaluate and compare multiple PEST scenarios within a single Visual MODFLOW Flex project
  • Make prompt and effective decisions with PEST results accessible within Visual MODFLOW Flex – never search through folder directories for PEST results again!
  • Produce professional charts of PEST results with integrated export to Excel™ capabilities
  • Generate robust, quick PEST runs with the support of Tikhonov Regularization and SVD Assist

Learn more about the new PEST interface in Visual MODFLOW Flex 2012.2.