Gold technical chart turns bullish

Precious metals have rebounded strongly over the past week, following comments from the Federal Reserve. While the FED dropped the word “patient” from their statement last week in relation to raising interest rates, Yellen clarified that removing the term patient does not mean the Fed is impatient. To the contrary, the FED plans to remain “highly accommodative” even after the first rate hike occurs.

The FED walked back expectations of significant rate increases. Any 2015 rate hikes are now expected to be marginal and 2016 forecasts have been revised lower from 2.25%-4.0% to 1.5% to 2%. Our view is that the FED will not be raising rates by any meaningful amount anytime soon. The economic recovery remains too fragile to digest such a move and inflation remains well below the FED’s target. They continue to fear deflation much more than inflation.

Given this outlook, we believe the dollar index had been bid up too high over the past year and precious metals have been sold off too sharply. The markets have also started to take notice of imbalance as the USD index has pulled back from above 100 to 97 in the past week. The momentum indicators suggest additional downside ahead with support in the 94-95 range.

Gold technical chart turns bullish USD

Gold has bounced sharply off support at $1,141 and climbed just shy of $1,200 in the past week. The bounce off $1,141 was particularly bullish, as gold did not drop below the November low of $1,130 and instead put in a higher low. This increases the chances that gold will resume the uptrend that started in November, despite the correction throughout February and early March. Gold broke upward through this corrective downtrend line last week. The RSI and MACD on the gold technical chart both suggest that the price has additional upside in the short term.

Gold technical chart turns bullish GOLD

Expectations of the FED raising interest rates significantly higher in 2015 remain incorrectly priced into gold and silver. Precious metals remain oversold and undervalued in our view. This is especially true of mining stocks, which remain near the most undervalued levels (relative to gold and silver) that they have been in roughly 15 years.

Accordingly, we have been using the latest dip to add to our positions in quality miners and streaming/royalty plays. Our latest addition is up over 20% in the past two weeks alone and we believe it could easily double as silver climbs back towards $20. The next move higher in these markets is going be incredibly explosive and it is important to be positioned before the train leaves the station.  To view which stocks we hold in the portfolio, receive the top-rated GSB Contrarian Gold Report and get our weekly updates, click here to get started for just $95.

If the newsletter does not pay for itself or you don’t find value after trying it out for 30 days, simply email us to request a full refund. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee with no obligation to continue if you aren’t benefiting from our research. If you agree that gold and silver have bottomed and are heading much higher in the next few years, now is the time totake action. These discount prices are not likely to last much longer.  

About the Author: Jason Hamlin

Jason HamlinJason is the founder of Gold Stock Bull and has been investing in precious metals since he was young. Jason spent nearly a decade in analytics for the world’s largest market research firm, before quitting to travel and focus on investing full time. Jason launched Gold Stock Bull in 2005 and turned his focus from helping fortune 500 companies to helping everyday investors that were struggling to achieve strong gains in the stock market. He is a coveted speaker at investment conferences, enjoys travel, meditation and studying quantum physics.