Fraser Institute launches new Economic Freedom website


We are pleased to announce the Fraser Institute has officially launched its new economic freedom website


The site offers a wide array of new features including an an interactive world map and customized graphing and data downloads which will make it significantly easier for people to analyze and share economic freedom data.

It is mobile-friendly and highly visual whether you are viewing it on a smart phone, tablet or desktop computer.

The new site houses all the resources found previously on the old (which is now being re-directed to the new site), plus additional resources such as:

  • an explanation (written and in video format) of economic freedom in laymen’s terms;
  • the history of the development of measurement of economic freedom;
  • links to posts on economic freedom from the Institute’s Fraser Forum blog; and
  • information on our international economic freedom audit program.

Please share the new site with your friends and colleagues.

We always welcome your feedback at [email protected]. To find out more about supporting the Fraser Institute, call (800) 665-3558, ext.568, or email [email protected].