Four-Part series on the Ring of Fire

Located 500 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, the Ring of Fire contains billions worth of chromite — among the best deposits in the world — plus nickel, copper, platinum group elements, gold, zinc and vanadium metals.

In 2007, an interesting mix of six geologists and junior mining executives – Richard Nemis, Mac Watson, Frank Smeenk, Neil Novak, John Harvey and Don Hoy – collectively discovered the geologically rich Ring of Fire. It is the most significant mineral discovery in Canada since the Sudbury Basin in 1883 and the Timmins gold camp in 1909. This four-part series was originally published in the Sudbury Star.

KWG: The Chromite Mouse That Roars [Part 1 of 4] (November 14, 2013)

Is Rail or Road the Best Choice for Ontario’s Ring of Fire? [Part 2 of 4] (November 15, 2013)

Ring of Fire’s Mineral Potential ‘Astounding’ [Part 3 of 4] (November 16, 2013)

Transport Costs Key to Project [Part 4 of 4] (November 18, 2013)

By Stan Sudol